50 photos of different types and description? Poplar tree, growing and care conditions

The most common tree in many countries is poplar. This is a cult in China (the unity of yin and yang), Eurasia and America. It even grows in Africa. In legends, the poplar is the personification of opposites (summer snow), and the leaves always tremble at the slightest breeze.

Aspens are also trembling poplars. In past centuries, it was believed that poplars protect and protect people from spirits; they remove negative energy and evil thoughts.

Types and varieties of poplar, appearance

Poplar (you will find a photo of the tree in this article) has a total of up to 100 species. The poplar does not live long. Most often, trees stop growing by the age of 50, and their average lifespan is 60-80 years. However, there are specimens whose age reaches 150 years. Since poplar wood is susceptible to various fungal infections, it becomes fragile over time, its branches easily break from gusts of wind and snow.

Poplar is a tall tree, the height of which reaches 50 or 60 m, but on average, their growth is limited to 40 m. The trunk can reach a diameter of a whole meter. The shape of the crowns is different (oval, spherical, pyramidal) depending on the type of poplar. The poplar leaf, the photo of which you see, is simple, petiolate, usually with a pointed tip.

The poplar blooms in early spring along with the swelling and blossoming of the leaves. Poplars are decorated with inflorescences with earrings (male and female). They are pollinated by the wind. The fruits are small boxes with fluffy hairs that cause a lot of trouble. There is a way out of this situation - to plant only male trees.

Among the most common types: sweet poplar, bay poplar, black or sedge, pyramidal, quaking (aspen), white or silver.

Most often, pyramidal poplar is used in urban plantings, the photo of which is in front of you for the shape of its crown, reminiscent of a cypress. The silver poplar has taken root no worse, the photo of which you can compare with the previous species. It got its name from the white edges on the underside of the leaves.


The balsam poplar is native to Canada and North America. The usual tree height is 17-20 m; old fifty-year-old trees often reach a height of 30 m.

The diameter of the spreading poplar crown is 10-12 m; the thick trunk is difficult for two people to grasp, since its diameter can be up to two meters. At the base of the trunk, the bark of the plant is dark, uneven, with bursting, clumsy furrows; higher up the trunk, elastic, smooth skin of a white-gray hue begins.

The branches are covered with leaves 5-14 cm long and 4-7 cm wide. The shape of the leaves is round at the petiole and wedge-shaped, tapering to a sharp tip; the edges of the leaves are covered with finely toothed relief.

The leaf is smooth, with a cool leathery surface and a long dense petiole (2-2.5 cm), the upper part of the leaf is shiny, dark green, the color of the lower plate is gray-green, very light, the skeletal basis of the leaf structure is clearly visible from below.

The buds thrown out in the spring are large, elongated, up to 2 cm high. The buds and newly unfurled young leaves are sticky from a sticky resin coating covering them with a pleasant aroma.

The plant is deciduous, with the onset of autumn changing the color of the crown from gray-green to yellow, shedding its leaf cover and growing it again in the spring. It blooms in May with long, pendulous brown catkins covered with yellow pollen.

Did you know? Forests consisting only of poplar trees are called poplar forests.

The length of women's flowers (earrings) is 13-15 cm, men's earrings are slightly shorter (6 - 9 cm). A flowering catkin has up to four carpels.

It grows in height very quickly, but the wood is often susceptible to disease and is not resistant to pests. The maximum lifespan of a plant is up to 150 years, but usually the tree deteriorates after 80 years; the plant does not freeze even at -45°C.

Where and how does it grow

In nature, poplar is distributed throughout the northern hemisphere - from America to China, throughout Eurasia, and even in eastern Africa. Most often it grows near bodies of water, since moist soil is preferable for it. But this does not apply to all types. Aspen, for example, grows not only in forests, but also on saline lands. And such a species as variegated poplar can be found on the sands of the dunes.

They are in demand in urban landscaping due to their rapid growth.

Taxonomy[edit | edit code]


L. Species Plantarum 2: 1034. 1753.


Abaso Eckenwalder (Mexican Poplars)

Area: Mexico. They are distinguished by the small size of all parts.

Populus mexicana Wesm. ex DC. — Mexican poplar


Aigeiros Duby (Delta-shaped poplars) It differs from others by its characteristic delta-shaped leaves on long petioles, like those of aspens. There are tree forms that have a pyramidal crown, which are grown in the southern regions of Russia - the so-called pyramidal poplars.

  • Populus nigra L. - Black poplar, or Osokor
  • Populus deltoides W.Bartram ex Marshall
  • Populus fremontii S.Watson - Fremont Poplar


Leucoides Spach (Leucoid poplars) Apparently, the most ancient group of poplars. They have the largest buds, earrings and leaves.

  • Populus lasiocarpa Oliv. — Chinese poplar, or rough poplar
  • Populus glauca Haines
  • Populus heterophylla L. - Variegated poplar, or swamp poplar
  • Populus wilsonii CKSchneid. — Wilson's Poplar


PopulusThe most common group.
Unlike other representatives of the poplar genus, the buds and leaves do not secrete a sticky substance; the petioles are long, which is why the leaves of all aspens begin to “tremble” even in light winds. Contains a species of aspen ( Populus tremula
) and a group of
white poplars
. Close to aspens. A distinctive feature is the palmate-lobed shape of the leaves of the shoots and the dense snow-white pubescence of the underside of these leaves.

  • Populus adenopoda Maxim. — Chinese aspen
  • Populus alba L. - Silver poplar, or white poplar
  • Populus grandidentata Michx. — Coarse-toothed poplar
  • Populus guzmanantlensis A.Vázquez & Cuevas
  • Populus sieboldii Miq. — Poplar Siebold
  • Populus simaroa Rzed.
  • Populus tremula L. - Trembling poplar, or Aspen, Common aspen, Euro-Siberian aspen
  • Populus tremuloides Michx. — Aspen poplar


Tacamahaca Spach (Balsam poplar) The buds and leaves are richest in fragrant resin.

  • Populus angustifolia E.James - Narrow-leaved poplar
  • Populus balsamifera L. - Balsam poplar
  • Populus ciliata Wall. ex Royle - Ciliated poplar
  • Populus koreana Rehder
  • Populus laurifolia Ledeb. — Laurel poplar
  • Populus maximowiczii A.Henry
  • Populus simonii Carriere - Simon's Poplar, or Chinese Poplar
  • Populus suaveolens Fisch. — Sweet poplar
  • Populus szechuanica CKSchneid. — Sichuan poplar
  • Populus trichocarpa Torr. & A. Gray ex. Hook. — Poplar pilosa
  • Populus yunnanensis Dode


Turanga Bunge (Turangi) From a distance they resemble aspen, but the crown is looser. Unlike all other poplars, their trunk grows not monopodially, but sympodially, like willows.

  • Populus euphratica Olivier - Euphrates poplar, or Euphrates Turanga
  • Populus ilicifolia (Engl.) Rouleau - Holly poplar, or Holly-leaved Turanga
  • Populus pruinosa Schrenk - Blue poplar, or Blue poplar, or Turanga blue
  • Populus × acuminata Rydb., hybrid of angustifolia poplar and delta poplar
  • Populus × berolinensis Dippel - Berlin poplar, a hybrid of laurel poplar and black poplar
  • Populus × canadensis Moench - Canadian poplar, a hybrid of delta poplar and black poplar
  • Populus × canescens (Aiton) Sm. — Graying poplar, a hybrid of white poplar and aspen
  • Populus × generosa A. Henry, hybrid of poplar and delta poplar
  • Populus × vernirubens A. Henry, a hybrid of delta poplar and poplar pilosa
  • Populus × jackii Sarg., a hybrid of delta poplar and balsam poplar
  • Populus × moskoviensis RI Schrod. — Moscow poplar, a hybrid of sweet poplar and laurel poplar
  • Populus × petrowskiana RI Schrod. ex Regel - Poplar Petrovsky, a hybrid of deltoid poplar and sweet poplar
  • Populus × rasumowskiana (RI Schrod. ex Regel) Dippel - Razumovsky poplar, a hybrid of Wobst poplar and laurel poplar
  • Populus × tomentosa Carrière Chinese hybrid of natural origin
  • Populus × woobstii (RI Schrod. ex Regel) Dode - Wobst poplar, a hybrid of laurel poplar and balsam poplar


Poplars are better than other trees at purifying the air from gas and smoke. These abilities plus their rapid growth make them a favorite in urban landscaping. In addition, poplar wood is in great demand: it is used in the production of artificial silk, paper, containers and furniture, and it is also used in the production of fiberboard, chipboard and laminate.

Paint is made from poplar buds and leaves.

Hybrid varieties

Thanks to the efforts of dendrologists, there are also different hybrid varieties of poplars; let’s look at a few of them.

  • “Berlin” poplar is a hybrid of sedge and laurel tree. Ideal for landscaping and forest planting. The plant lives best in moist soil; in dry conditions, growth will slow down by at least half.

  • “Silver poplar” is a product of a combination of silver poplar and aspen. The hybrid has taken root well in the wild and has spread widely throughout Asia and Europe. The plant develops rapidly and can reproduce using its roots.

  • "Moscow" poplar - crossed from a fragrant and laurel-leaved plant. A low tree with an ovoid crown, on the branches of which neat small wedge-shaped leaves grow.


In medicine

Black poplar buds have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Also antipyretic, analgesic and diuretic effect. They have a calming effect on the nervous system and are therefore used as a sedative. Tincture of buds and young leaves is used in gynecology, as well as for the treatment of dermatitis, wounds and ulcers.

Preparations from poplar are taken orally for laryngitis, tonsillitis and bronchitis, neuroses, inflammation of the bladder, intestinal sluggishness, colds, flu, vitamin deficiencies.

Ointments and even baths from poplar buds are prescribed for radiculitis, rheumatism, and for the treatment of skin diseases.

In cosmetology

A decoction of black poplar buds is used for hair loss and dandruff. A special ointment is made for this. For one part of poplar buds there are two parts of vegetable oil. Boil for 30 minutes and then leave for three weeks. Strain into a jar and massage the head. Then your hair will become thicker and stronger.

An ointment made from crushed poplar buds and butter is used to get rid of age spots and freckles.

Interesting Facts

The oldest Poplar grows in Ukraine. Its age is approximately 200 years, while the girth of the trunk is slightly more than 9 meters.

During the hungry war years, the bast layer under the tree bark was dried and added to flour for baking bread.

As you know, the living layer of wood is a valuable source of microelements, therefore it was often an assistant in the fight against hunger during the most difficult times in the history of the country.

Poplar bark is very light, so it was often used as floats in fishing nets.

Poplars love to change their gender. Female catkins can form on a male plant. Scientists explain this phenomenon by unfavorable ecology.

Harm and contraindications

Pregnant and breastfeeding women, children under 12 years of age, and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not take infusions and decoctions of poplar buds orally.

In addition to the fact that poplar fluff brings a lot of inconvenience (it litters the streets, flies into houses and open windows), it also causes a strong allergic reaction in people suffering from this seasonal disease.

For wood

Description of species and varieties of Dieffenbachia

The wood is light, loose and soft, does not burn easily and does not smoke. Compared to other poplars, the wood is denser, colored evenly across the entire width of the trunk, and there is no core. Longitudinal sections show narrow stripes and spots; the vessels are evenly distributed throughout the annual layer. Aspen wood can be confused with linden. They are determined by the shade - in linden it is pinkish, and in aspen it is greenish. In addition, the pith rays of aspen are not visible.

Aspen wood is currently used in the match industry, for the production of cardboard, plywood, and for the construction of cellars. The rock logs rot quickly and are rarely used in construction.

Unlike other trees, the species is not resistant to heart rot, which infects wood through mechanical damage and through broken branches. The causative agent of the disease is the aspen polypore fungus. Populus tremula can be distinguished from other species by the fruiting bodies of the tinder fungus - the parasite is found only on aspen. The disease causes stem damage, weakening of the plant and deterioration in wood quality.

Reproduction, pests and diseases

Most poplar species can be propagated by seeds, cuttings or root suckers. One of the most accessible and simplest methods of propagation is cuttings. Poplar shoots that are cut for this purpose easily take root in both water and soil. The main thing is that their root system likes the soil to be fairly moist. Rooted shoots can be planted in open ground (preferably in autumn).

Seed propagation takes longer and is more difficult. It is important that the seeds used are freshly harvested. Otherwise, they lose their viability. You can store them in a cool place for no more than a year.

Poplar diseases include bacterial canker and necrosis. Trees should be inspected promptly to identify diseases in the early stages. When transporting seedlings, avoid mechanical damage. Sick trees should be cut out and their stumps treated with fuel oil and creosol. Insecticides are used to control poplar pests that lay larvae on their leaves.


The Canadian poplar hybrid, which appeared in the mid-18th century, turned out to be more hardy and resistant to negative environmental influences. It is not afraid of most pests and common diseases. It survives well in an urban environment. In general, the plant is winter-hardy, but in particularly cold winters it can freeze.

The tree has a dense and spreading crown. It can reach a height of up to 45 meters. Canadian poplar grows very quickly. The most intensive growth can be observed during the first 20-30 years. After this, it gradually slows down.

It is worth clarifying that in the northern regions, Canadian poplar grows much slower than in the south.

The bark of this tree is rough, brown-gray and covered with deep cracks. The branches are red-brown, and the shoots are covered with light fluff. The poplar root system is powerful and deep.

The leaves are dense, shiny, resembling pointed triangles. They don't turn yellow for a long time. With the first frost, the foliage on the trees turns brown. Male plants do not produce fluff, so they are more suitable for landscaping both urban areas and private areas.

Preparation and storage

For medicinal purposes, poplar buds are harvested in the spring, when they are still hard and do not bloom. They should be dried at a temperature of 30-35 degrees. Dry buds are transferred to a glass jar or paper bag. They can be stored for up to two years.

The leaves are collected from late spring to early summer, when they are still young. Bark from young trees is collected in early spring. But in order not to injure the trees, bark should be collected only from cut branches or broken trees.


Large-leaved poplar, also known as Ontario poplar or Aurora, is a very beautiful, showy plant with large leaves. In European countries, this tree grows up to 10 m in height; in our frosty winters, it is significantly shorter.

When this tree freezes and its branches die, a pair of new shoots forms at the tip of each branch. As a result, the crown of this low poplar is very lush, the ends of the shoots are decorated with large leaves, on which cream spots are clearly visible.

This creamy color makes the large-leaved poplar very decorative; in mid-summer the color of the leaves changes to light green. The length and width of the leaf reaches 10 cm.

The tree is not resistant to frost and therefore short-lived. The average lifespan of this plant is 65 years.

Planting the Aurora poplar is advisable in places protected from cold northern winds; the tree needs abundant sunlight; urban gas pollution does not depress the plant.

Useful qualities of wood

Poplar, the types of which can differ significantly from each other, was once planted on city streets for good reason. This is due to the fact that leaves can absorb about 70% of dust, dirt, and smoke. In other words, wood can effectively purify the air, enriching it with phytoncides and killing microbes. Conducted studies indicate that the species in question is capable of releasing much more oxygen than conifers.

Another useful property of tomfoil is its unpretentiousness. Due to this, after the war they were able to quickly green up large areas. In addition, previously a tall tree was planted near the house as a lightning rod.

City administration began to pay attention to poplar because of its decorative qualities, as well as its high ability to reproduce. Previously, landscapers tried to give preference to males, since large fluff can lead to serious problems

Old trees are pruned so that large amounts of fluff do not appear along the streets at the time of flowering.

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