Hardwoods - Hardwoods, varieties, properties and applications

Ironwood has very heavy wood that sinks quickly in water. The density of ironwood wood is significantly higher than the density of water, and therefore it sinks. The bark of the ironwood tree is very thin and easily destroyed. If the branches of neighboring trees touch each other, they quickly grow together, creating interesting plexuses. From Latin, ironwood is translated as “tree of life”, as it is famous for its famous healing properties and ability to heal many ailments.

In different regions, the term “iron tree” means different plants:

1. Temir-agach (damiragach) or “iron tree” - grows in Iran and Azerbaijan and is harder than iron. Temir-agach is quite often used in the manufacture of living barriers, which become stronger and stronger every year. It is impossible to get through the thicket of such trees, because the trunk of the iron tree is completely inflexible.

2. Parrotia persica is one of the most durable iron trees. Grows in Transcaucasian and Northern Iranian forests. Suitable for the production of machine parts and art products.

Wood nails

3. Yew (Taxus), or “soft-tree.” This ironwood not only has durable wood, but is also almost rot-resistant.

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