Impregnations for wood for interior work: types, features and methods of application

Wood impregnations penetrate deeply into the structure of the material, creating a thin film on its surface. At the same time, they do not disrupt natural vapor exchange and do not interfere with the evaporation of moisture. Moreover, the use of impregnations allows you to extend the service life of wooden structures several times.

Impregnations for interior work can protect wood from mold, mildew, increase its fire resistance, etc. The market offers a wide range of impregnations for interior work. Let's understand the advantages and features of each composition.


Impregnations differ not only in their protective properties and purpose, but also in their composition. When choosing a solution, it is important to consider the scope of its application, as well as carefully study the composition.

Despite the fact that wooden structures located indoors require less aggressive protection, nevertheless, you should not skimp on the choice of impregnations.


Such impregnations are already ready for application.

According to their properties they are divided into:

  • Fireproof.
  • Decorative.
  • Moisture resistant.
  • Antiseptic, etc.

Such solutions do not have a pungent odor, which allows them to be used in almost any room. Apply water-based impregnations only to damp surfaces. The active components quickly penetrate deep into the material and dry. For application, you can use a regular brush.

Water-based impregnations are not recommended for the protection of old wood and lumber. Otherwise, the structure may swell and crack.


They have a safe composition and adhere well to the surface.

They have the following properties:

  • Protect wood from moisture.
  • Do not interfere with natural steam exchange.
  • Protect the material from rotting, mold, and mildew.

Acrylic impregnations can be applied at any stage of construction. The solutions do not emit chemical compounds and do not have an unpleasant odor.

Acrylic-based impregnations do not withstand low temperatures. Therefore, they are used only inside heated rooms.


Sold in powder or ready-made solution.

Such impregnations have the following properties:

  • Protects against mold and mildew.
  • Strengthens fire-fighting properties.
  • They do not have an unpleasant odor.

It should be noted that salt impregnations are rarely used at home. To achieve maximum protection, the wood must be kept in the solution for a certain time. Regular brush application is not effective.

Expert opinion

Torsunov Pavel Maksimovich

Important! Impregnations based on mineral salts have a negative effect on metal parts. Take this feature into account when choosing this solution.


In addition to its protective properties, wax-based impregnations improve the appearance of wood, emphasizing its beauty and natural pattern.

Such compositions have the following characteristics:

  • Repel water.
  • Protects against mold, mildew and insects.
  • They have a safe composition.

Wax compositions are convenient to apply with a regular brush. Due to the absence of an unpleasant odor, they can be used in any room.

Important! Wax-based impregnations have a short shelf life. That is why protection needs to be updated in a timely manner.


Such impregnations have a safe and environmentally friendly composition. They do not have an unpleasant odor, they are well distributed with a regular brush.

Their advantages include:

  • High water-repellent properties.
  • Gives the surface a shiny appearance.
  • Masking of minor defects.
  • Increasing the service life of wood.

After drying, a thin film forms on the wood, which prevents dust from settling. Oil-based impregnations are an excellent solution for rooms with high humidity. It is best to give preference to solutions based on linseed oil.

Oil impregnations do not provide a durable coating. You need to update your protection every year! Also, remember that the solution is flammable, so it must be stored away from sources of heat and flame.


They have excellent protective properties.

They increase wood’s resistance to the following negative factors:

  • Rotting.
  • Getting wet.
  • Fungus and mold.

The impregnation is well applied to the surface, but at the same time it dries for quite a long time. It is used for processing any wooden structures, boards, veneer, plywood, lumber, etc. Can be used on both fresh and old wood.


Usually presented on the market in the form of concentrates, which must be diluted with water before use.

Such impregnations have the following characteristics:

  • Does not create a film on the surface.
  • Protect from moisture, fungus, mold, insects, etc.
  • Can be applied under painting.

Silicone solutions can be applied in any way: roller, brush, spray, etc.

Primary requirements

When choosing an impregnation, in addition to looking at the photo of the impregnation, pay attention to the following indicators of the product:

  • does not clog the pores of the wood, allowing it to “breathe” normally;
  • does not lose its properties even at a high percentage of humidity;
  • deep adhesion (penetration) into wood;
  • the degree of water washout is low;
  • do not affect the structure of the tree.

Treating wooden elements from all kinds of pests and external factors is an important part of building a house (gazebo, bathhouse).

As you can see, the question of which wood impregnation is best cannot be given a definite answer, because each of them has its own properties and applications. Just choose the right option, and then your home will not be afraid of any pests.

The best impregnations

The market offers a huge range of impregnations from different manufacturers. They all have their pros and cons. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is important to have an idea of ​​the qualities of each option.

Pinotex Interior

Water-based impregnation, ideal for interior work. The composition is well applied to the surface and does not create smudges. The final coating is matte. Perfectly hides minor imperfections.

The impregnation does not have an unpleasant odor, it dries quickly and emphasizes the texture of the wood. The manufacturer's catalog presents a large assortment of solutions in different shades, which allows you to choose an option for any interior.


Inexpensive domestic impregnation with a safe composition. After applying the solution, a “breathable” film is formed on the surface, which reliably protects against fungi, mold and insects.

The only drawback of Ecodom impregnation is the long drying period and an unpleasant odor, which subsequently disappears.


This is an aqueous solution with antiseptic properties. This impregnation is suitable for use in rooms with high humidity, for example, in a bathhouse or sauna, as well as high performance characteristics. The solution does not need regular updating, and the protection period can reach 35 years.

This impregnation has an unpleasant odor and can stain the wood greenish.

Tikkurila Supi Saunasuoja

Acrylic impregnation from a Finnish manufacturer. Has high protective properties. Prevents rotting, the development of fungus, mold, and also protects against moisture. Creates a thin film on the surface that repels dust and dirt.

Senezh Ecobio

Impregnation from a Russian manufacturer, designed to protect wood from:

  • Rotting.
  • Formation of fungus and mold.
  • Impact of insects, etc.

The product has excellent antiseptic characteristics and does not have an unpleasant odor. It can be applied under any paint and varnish materials. The service life of the protective coating is 30-35 years.

Senezh Ultra

Impregnation with antiseptic properties. Protects the tree from pathogenic flora, insects and premature destruction for up to 35 years. Can be used for painting. The mixture can be applied with a roller, brush or spray.

This antiseptic is not applied to surfaces that have previously been treated with varnish, paint or other film-forming solutions.

Tex products: Biotex antiseptic

The products of the famous brand "Tex" are represented by a large assortment of paints and varnishes. Products from one of the leaders in the paint and varnish products market guarantee an optimal price/quality ratio. The packaging contains a description of technical characteristics and recommendations for use.

Every year, developers offer something new to replenish the range of 9 groups of paints and varnishes. It includes façade and interior varieties. Main list of TEX products:

  • Primers;
  • Antiseptics;
  • Water-dispersed dyes;
  • Varnishes on different bases;
  • Alkyd enamels;
  • Oil paints;
  • Specialized enamels;
  • Plasters and putties;
  • Adhesive compositions.

All BIOTEKS products are classified as water-soluble compounds and organic-soluble mixtures. To increase the period of impeccable operation of wood, which has retained high decorative properties, universal (multicomponent) impregnations are used.

All BIOTEKS products are classified as water-soluble compounds and organic-soluble mixtures.

How to prepare wood?

High-quality preparation of wooden surfaces is necessary to fully reveal the protective properties. A lot depends on the type of impregnation and the type of product.

However, the whole process can be divided into several stages:


The purpose of sanding is to open the pores of the wood. Thus, the composition penetrates into the deep layers of the material.


The wood must be clean, without resin stains. For this purpose, you can use special compounds.


If the wood is wet, it needs to be dried well in natural conditions.

Application Features

When the surface is ready, you can begin applying impregnation.

It is important to remember a few simple rules:

  • If there is a lot of work, do not forget to stir the impregnation in the jar from time to time. This way you will avoid sedimentation and get a uniform color in the end.
  • Apply impregnation in one direction, moving from one edge of the product to the other. There is no need to paint the product in different places at the same time, making chaotic movements. As a result, you will get uneven color and smudges.

  • Allow the first coat to dry before applying the second coat. This takes 1-3 hours depending on the composition of the solution. If you plan to apply 2-3 layers of impregnation, it is important to allow drying time between each approach.

  • If after drying you decide to varnish the product, choose a solution with a similar composition. For example, if you used oil impregnation, then the varnish should be oil-based, if water-based, then the varnish should be water-based.

Important! Before use, read the instructions for use of a specific impregnation. It necessarily prescribes the method of applying the composition.

High-quality impregnation creates reliable protection for wooden structures from any negative factors. When choosing a composition for interior work, be sure to ensure its safety. Give preference to trusted brands and manufacturers.

Properties of fire retardant varnish

There are different types of impregnations. For example, a fire-retardant antiseptic combines fire protection, characteristic only of this type of antiseptic, and other types of protection characteristic of other impregnations. The purpose remains the same - decorative application.

Fireproof impregnation is used in several cases:

  • external treatment of wooden structures;
  • covering furniture and floors.

Let's consider the main points when working with a fire-resistant antiseptic.

  1. Impregnation can be applied to a painted surface. But if water-based paint was applied, then it will be pointless.
  2. This type of antiseptic must be applied at temperatures from +5 and above.
  3. If you treat the wood after applying the impregnation, the protection against fire will be stronger.

Important! Most often there are two types of impregnations - semi-matte and matte.

Question answer

What wood impregnation can be used in the bedroom?

It all depends on what protective properties you want to achieve. For the bedroom, you can use water- or oil-based impregnations. They are completely safe for health. In addition, oil solutions have good decorative properties.

How do you know when it’s time to update your impregnation?

This can be understood by the appearance of the surface: the protective film will begin to crack, peel, and move away from the base. In addition, each can of impregnation indicates its protection period.

How to apply impregnation to the surface?

It all depends on the type of impregnation and its composition. In most cases, solutions can be applied with a regular brush, spray gun or roller. The exception is salt impregnations. The product must be soaked in them.

Can impregnations for outdoor use be used indoors?

In most cases, impregnations for outdoor use have a more aggressive composition and toxicity. The use of such solutions inside residential premises is unacceptable. However, you can choose a universal composition that is suitable for use both inside and outside the home.

What types of wood products can be treated with impregnations?

Impregnations can be used to protect any wooden surfaces: walls, ceilings, railings, furniture, picture frames, etc.

Selection rules

In order to accurately select an impregnation with ideal properties, you need to take into account the rules and characteristics. Compositions can be complex in action and aimed at one specific property. For example, if you need wood impregnation against moisture and rot for outdoor use, then you will have to choose from complex options. First. What needs to be done is to determine for what purposes the processing is being carried out.

The option for impregnation is selected taking into account the main goals Source

If a composition with one action is selected, then application of several options is allowed, but in this case you need to monitor the main component at the base of the impregnation. Simple compositions require the number of layers to be at least 2-3; drying time will also need to be taken into account.

Additional Information

The need for complex wood processing must be adequate to protect against many factors, and ensure safety and security from the main destroyers. The main purpose of applying wood impregnation for interior work is its antiseptic, fire-resistant, moisture-proof and biologically invulnerable properties.

An antiseptic for external work is no less necessary than other protective properties, therefore, both complex and structural methods are taken into account when applying impregnation.

The service life of a wooden building can be significantly extended if you choose the right products, apply them in the required sequence and follow the prescribed technologies.

Recently, wood impregnation, which has long been used in Europe, has become widespread, the essence of which is the impregnation of wood with protective compounds in an autoclave to a depth of 2 cm. The use of wood impregnation for deeper impregnation of the outer layer requires preliminary preparation, drying and final structural completion of the product.

Impregnating wood has its advantages, as do the usual methods of soaking the wood in a bath with a solution, applying with a roller, brush or spray.

"Biotex Universal"

The antiseptic of the Biotex Classic series remains one of the most popular products for construction and household purposes. A universal remedy is available to everyone, regardless of financial level.

Effective protection - colorless primer "Biotex Classic Universal". Suitable for exterior work and finishing of ventilated premises - outbuildings, gazebos, garages, balconies.

For tinting the floors of a veranda or gallery, dark shades are suitable - cherry, teak, mahogany, rosewood. The effect is no worse than any matte Biotex paint.

The primer composition is adapted for coating with oil paints and enamels. Not suitable for frozen and contaminated wood.

For tinting the floors of a veranda or gallery, dark shades are suitable - cherry, teak, mahogany, rosewood.

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