Edible chestnut (45 photos) - how to distinguish, what the tree and fruit look like, where and how it grows

It is impossible to imagine city squares and street alleys without one luxurious specimen. It is the majestic chestnut tree that takes pride of place in the landscape design of many parks. They resemble powerful giants guarding the royal cortege. This presentable appearance pleases the eyes of visitors for many months. Moreover, the fruits of these representatives of the Cedar family are tasty and healthy. These are just some of the reasons why every gardener should expand the range of their garden with chestnut trees. The description of this perennial plant is worthy of a separate literary work. Read about horse chestnut!

Some sources say that his homeland is Europe, while others say Australia. However, there are between 14 and 30 varieties in the world. Most of them can be found in China, Japan, North America and European countries.


In late spring and the first half of summer, light floral candelabra decorate trees with lush green crowns. Bees are actively working on attractive, fragrant inflorescences. Cross-pollination of the plant by wind is possible. The tree reproduces by fruits (generatively) and shoots (vegetatively).

Interesting: chestnut is a relict plant - it was widely represented on Earth before the Ice Age. Soil studies indicate that chestnut groves existed.

The plant's homeland is considered to be the Mediterranean, East Asia and the Atlantic coast of North America. Loves temperate climates, moist, loose soil. In the mid-16th century, the plant was brought to Europe, but it did not become widespread due to the harsh climate. The selection work of garden servants of wealthy nobles made it possible to expand the growing area.

Distribution area of ​​edible chestnut

The “secondary” territory of the representatives of the genus became groves, parks and garden plots around the world. Of the 15 known varieties, 13 grow in Russia at the present stage of evolution. Edible species have settled in the Caucasus and Crimea. Introduced by the Greeks, chestnuts formed unique natural communities with endemics (local plants).

Without the slightest flaw

If we organized a beauty contest among trees, then the chestnut would, without a doubt, take one of the prizes. The refined and extraordinary beauty of the inflorescences, leaves and luxurious crown look harmonious with the formidable appearance of this titanium. This paradoxical combination can be characterized by the following series of magnificent features:

  • inflorescences are presented in the form of pyramidal candles (each up to 15 cm in length);
  • cream-colored flowers with pinkish spots and oblong tendrils in the center;
  • the leaves are collected in luxurious fans (5-7 in one bunch), which are arranged spirally on the shoots;
  • oblong leaves (10-20 cm) of dark green color have a jagged edge and are shaped like the tip of a medieval spear;
  • the dense crown of an ovoid/round shape grows up to 20 meters in width;
  • Brown fruits with a glossy coating are hidden by a prickly shell, which breaks into four parts when ripe or hit hard;
  • The lower part of the trunk becomes bare over time, and the tree takes on a chic appearance.

These perennial plants love the sun so much that they grow up to 15-30 meters. Of course, such a result can only be expected after several decades. In this regard, many are interested in how long a chestnut tree grows. It is worth knowing that in 12 months the trunk of this giant increases by 30-50 cm. Therefore, by the fourth year of its existence, its height will be about 1 meter. At the same time, the tree will be able to meet the 10th spring of its “life” with charming blossoms and luxurious fruits.

A powerful root system and dense bark allow the chestnut to withstand severe frosts. At the same time, trees adapt to different types of soil. Still, it is better for them to choose non-saline, well-drained and moist soils.


Chestnut leaves are endowed with amazing substances that improve human health. Experts have identified triterpene compositions that play a key role in metabolic processes, tannins necessary for the body to fight free radicals. Pectin substances have been discovered that help eliminate toxins and heavy metals. One cannot fail to mention flavonoids: they have a positive effect on the enzyme system. They abound in plant glucose, organic acids, lecithin, and a wide range of vitamins and microelements.

Top dressing

Fertilizers must be applied regularly, especially during the first time after planting. But it is important to ensure that there is no excess of nutrients. After replanting the plant, you can add superphosphate, ash, and humus.

In the summer, use complex mineral supplements every month.

Thus, horse chestnut is a medicinal plant used for medicinal purposes, as well as in the manufacture of cosmetics. The fruits of the crop are not eaten.

Spring planting boom

7 days before planting, which may fall at the end of February or March, the container with valuable genetic material must be removed from the basement. Over the next 5 days, the fruits are soaked in warm water. In this case, the liquid should be constantly changed, because it can deteriorate. Thanks to this “spa treatment,” the peel becomes softer and the embryo wakes up. When a white sprout appears, the chestnut can be planted in a small pot of soil, taking into account the following wishes:

  • the volume of the planting container should not be more than 500 ml;
  • the soil must be sufficiently moistened;
  • the fruit should be placed in the ground, but not very deep (3-5 cm), otherwise it will either dry out or not germinate;
  • water periodically.

After half a month, the gardener can already admire the first shoots. When the danger of night frosts has passed, and this is the second half of May, then the seedling can be transferred to its “permanent place of residence.”

It is worth considering that the chestnut tree is a real titanium. Therefore, the distance between seedlings must be increased to 3 meters. As a result, the crown of each of them will be thicker, the flowering period will be longer, and the fruits will be tastier.

Secret technique

Of course, there is a lot of debate about when is the best time to plant these trees. However, each of these options has its advantages. Autumn “natives” emerge faster. Nevertheless, spring specimens are characterized by intensive growth, resistance to frost and a healthier appearance. Among other things, the planting process itself plays an important role in this matter. Here's what experts advise in this regard:

  1. Carefully remove the roots of the seedling from the container. The earth lump should be up to 50 cm in diameter.
  2. Dig a hole 2 times larger than the root system. At its bottom it is necessary to lay out several layers of crushed stone/pebbles, which will serve as a drainage device. The optimal height of such a “foundation” is 10 cm.
  3. Prepare a substrate from sand, humus and black soil (1:1:2). All this must be mixed with slaked lime (0.5 kg). At the same time, it is recommended to apply phosphate-potassium fertilizers to each hole.
  4. 1/2 of the prepared substrate is poured onto the drainage and filled with water. Then the seedling is settled, which should be covered with soil in several passes. After compacting the soil near the root collar, the tree needs to be watered.
  5. The seedling is accepted faster if the ground near it is covered with mulch (humus, leaves or sawdust) or paper bags.
  6. A small fence is built around the trunk. In strong winds, it is important to secure the young tree with ropes.

Don't forget about the importance of feeding. It is carried out both in spring and autumn. In the first case, it is diluted urea or mullein (15 g per 10 liters of water), and in the second, nitroammophoska is added (the proportions are the same).

At first, an unprotected seedling should be constantly watered and the soil periodically loosened. With the onset of cold weather, the branches need to be wrapped in burlap, and the roots should be protected with a large “cushion” of dried leaves and humus. At the age of four, pruning should be done. First, it is advisable to shorten the main rod by ¼ of its length, and then the side branches. Thanks to this, the crown will grow thick and symmetrical.

Indications for use

Horse chestnut is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Phlebeurysm. The pathology is characterized by thinning of the walls of blood vessels and the formation of venous nodes. The plant helps strengthen vascular tissue, promotes the resorption of nodes, and prevents the formation of blood clots.
  2. Pathologies of the respiratory organs. Chestnut-based infusions and decoctions are prepared for washing the nasal passages and gargling. The products have a good antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, accelerating recovery.
  3. Diseases of the digestive organs. Horse chestnut helps in the treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcers, and inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
  4. Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The plant fights atherosclerosis, high cholesterol levels in the blood, eliminates swelling, and promotes the resorption of blood clots.
  5. Joint and muscle pathologies. Chestnut-based products relieve spasms, reduce pain, and suppress inflammation. All this helps in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, and neuralgia.
  6. Uterine bleeding in women. The plant has a hemostatic effect.
  7. Inflammation of the genital organs in women. The herb helps suppress inflammatory processes in the uterus and ovaries.

Prostatitis, varicocele in men. Chestnut-based products reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation, and relieve pain

Before using the plant, you should consult a specialist.

Chestnut-based pharmaceutical products

In the pharmacy you can find a liquid horse chestnut extract called “Aescusan”. In addition to this plant, it also contains thiamine.

Properties of the drug:

  • tones veins;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • strengthens vascular walls.

The drug is most often prescribed for problems with veins. Take a long course of up to 3 months. The drug is also used to treat hemorrhoids, cramps, eliminate muscle pain, swelling, and vascular network. For people with thrombophlebitis, the extract will help heal ulcers.

Pharmacies also sell rectal suppositories based on horse chestnut. They are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Three nuts for Cinderella

An ordinary brown fruit can grow into a beautiful and powerful chestnut tree. Planting and caring for its seedlings at home is very simple, but has some subtleties. Gardeners know two options for nut germination: autumn and spring. In this case, the harvest needs to be done after the fruits fall to the ground. You need to choose hard nuts with a perfectly smooth edge and no damage. Before autumn planting it must be stratified. To do this you need:

  • collect wet sand into a container;
  • do not bury the fruit very deeply in it;
  • leave for 10 days in a cool place;
  • plant on a plot of land that is moderately warmed by the sun.

If the farmer plans to plant for the spring season, then the container with sand and nuts must be stored in the basement/refrigerator all winter. Some people advise burying this container somewhere in the garden.

However, we cannot do without losses. If a gardener wants to plant just one specimen, he should prepare three or more nuts. You can always donate extra seedlings to your neighbors.

Particularly dangerous diseases and pests

Like any other tree, chestnut is not protected from disease, and rusty leaves are the first and most common problem. Dried brown foliage makes the majestic giants pitiful and helpless. Such a sad picture can be observed in many cities in the middle of summer. Experts identify the following types of spots:

  1. Brown. Small rusty spots quickly progress and cover the entire leaf. Appears on both sides.
  2. Holey. Occurs when there is excess soil moisture or potassium deficiency. In this case, the leaves are often treated with Bordeaux mixture every 10 days. This procedure is carried out immediately after the flowering period.
  3. Red-brown. The reasons are related to sudden changes in temperature or very hot weather conditions.
  4. Black. When the buds have not yet woken up, the tree must be completely sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate.

Spraying procedures are carried out in the evening to avoid additional burns.

In addition to these diseases, the chestnut tree suffers from wood mites, powdery mildew (white coating in the form of cobwebs) and chestnut moth. To combat them, it is recommended to apply phosphate or potassium fertilizer. Leaves affected by dew should be removed and burned, and the crown should be treated with fungicides every 2 weeks. Of course, these dangerous pests/diseases need to be dealt with at an early stage, because they progress quickly. Such measures will help maintain the visual attractiveness of the perennial plant.

Composition, properties

The nutritional value of loose kernels is not inferior to potatoes and cereals. More than half of the mass is starch. They also contain up to 6% vegetable protein, 2-5% fat and almost 15% carbohydrates. In addition, they contain fiber, tannins, beta-carotene, vitamins A, K, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9.

The mineral composition is mainly represented by potassium, copper, phosphorus, selenium, manganese, calcium and magnesium. The energy value is 170 kcal per 100 grams of peeled kernels. According to this indicator, the product is inferior to nuts; it is not as fatty as pecans or cashews. The big advantage is the complete absence of gluten.

Chestnut tree description

The tree grows up to 30 meters. A graceful straight trunk is crowned with a lush crown. The large leaves have a beautiful pattern, they are located opposite.

Flowering occurs in May. Inflorescences appear on the spreading crown, shaped like cones. The color may be pale pink or white. Each “candle” consists of many individual colors. The tree is also valued for its amazing nuts.

The fruits ripen in August-September. Initially, they resemble small round green balls that are covered with spikes. After ripening, the box opens and the nut falls with a thud. It contains flattened seeds.

Edible and inedible chestnut - how to distinguish, photo

When I wrote this article, I was surprised to find that there was a lot of confusion. A huge number of authors in their publications cite photographs of horse chestnut, talking about cooking methods, which goes against reality.

This is a horse chestnut, it is not eaten

I would like to dot the i’s: the chestnuts that city dwellers see under their feet are not suitable for food and have nothing to do with their edible counterparts.

Horse chestnut grows in the city, blooms in the spring and probably has some healing properties, but the subject of our conversation today will be a completely different plant.

Horse chestnut and chestnut grow in different climatic zones and do not overlap anywhere, but their fruits have something in common in appearance. They are round, brown in color, with a dense peel, but the edible ones are smaller. They have a point on one side and a dark spot on the other. Inedible ones have a light spot on the side. Well, the main difference is the taste.

I haven’t tried horse chestnut, but I suspect that it is terribly bitter, but the edible miracle is so good. It is softer than a walnut, but harder than a potato. The taste is sweetish, the consistency is loose, starchy, if cooked correctly. Otherwise, the kernel will resemble a young hazelnut, which is also not bad.

Edible chestnut (left) and inedible (right) - find the differences

Using horse chestnut in landscape design

In urban landscaping, chestnut is used much more often than in gardening. The trees form smooth, shady alleys in parks or are planted as single specimens in combination with other deciduous or coniferous trees. You can clearly see in the photo how the chestnut tree blooms and how decorative it is during this period.

The plant is a long-lived plant; in natural conditions it lives up to 300 years, which is why it is so often used in landscaping. Today there are many varieties of the common horse chestnut. Specimens with a drooping crown look especially decorative. There are subspecies in the form of a bush, reaching only 2 meters in height, there are dwarf trees and standard forms. All of them fit perfectly into different types of landscapes, from country-style gardens to elegant English and French ones.

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