Names of common deciduous trees and interesting facts about them

Since ancient times, wood has been the main material for construction and heating. Vast areas of forests made it possible to choose from a wide variety of wood species suitable for a particular type of use. Today, wood is also the most popular material for use in various industries. Carpentry production, construction of timber houses, roofing, flooring, production of carved sculptures and interior items cannot be done without it.


What types of trees are there? Deciduous trees differ from other species in the shape of their crown, the presence of fruits and the color of their leaves. Plants can be:

  • small-leaved;
  • broad-leaved.

According to another classification, trees are divided into:

  • evergreen - change their leaves gradually and this is not related to the seasons;
  • deciduous - they shed their leaves by winter. In spring, buds appear on them, from which new leaves subsequently form.

The trees described have a clear tissue structure and have different methods of pollination. Now they are the main landscapers in almost all countries. Such trees can perfectly adapt to changing weather conditions.

The wood of deciduous trees is light and durable to process, so it is often used for industrial purposes. Some beneficial substances from trees are widely used in medicine. Many of them feed humanity with fruits and berries. Some simply decorate landscapes.

Lifespan of trees

Names and descriptions of foliage plants:

Common oak is a species of the Oak genus from the Beech family, which reaches a height of 30-40 m and occupies a large area. The tree itself is large, broad-leaved, with numerous branches and a thick trunk (about 3 m in diameter). The crown is tent-like, asymmetrical, dark green with a brown tint. The bark is closer to black in color and thick. The leaves are oblong, heart-shaped, large, uneven.

Deciduous plants

Deep cracks appear when the tree reaches 20-30 years. A forest perennial plant lives for about 300-400 years, and at about 100 years it stops growing in size.

For your information! The oldest common oak is recorded in Lithuania, which, according to various estimates, is from 700 to 2000 years old.

Distributed in Western Europe, western Russia, as well as in northern Africa and western Asia.

White acacia (Robinia false acacia) is a species of the genus Robinia from the Legume family. Usually the tree reaches 20-25 m, but there are also 30-35 m. Acacia is wide with an openwork crown and a solid trunk with a diameter of 1 m, sometimes more. The leaves are small, light green, round, imparipinnate, about 10-25 cm. The bark is brownish in color, not very dark, with deep longitudinal cracks.

Important! White acacia does not belong to the Acacia genus. It cannot be called that because of its botanical features.

Lives up to 100 years. However, after the 40th year it begins to develop more slowly and is already considered old. In France, in Paris, the oldest Robinia grows, which is already more than 400 years old. It still blooms, although it is supported by two concrete, stable trunks. Homeland - eastern North America. Now grown as an ornamental plant on all continents, in temperate climates.

Palm maple (fan maple) is a species of the genus Maple from the Salindaceae family. The height is from 6 to 10 m, sometimes 16 m, so it does not take up much space. Has several strong trunks. The bark is dark brown with a greenish tint and small cracks. Leaves with 5, 7 or 9 lobes measure 4-12 cm. The color ranges from green-pink to burgundy. The crown is tent-shaped. It may look different depending on age.

Age can be up to 100 years. The oldest copy is in the USA (New York), which is about 114 years old. Its homeland is Japan, Korea and China, but it also takes root in other territories.

White birch is a name applied to two species of the Birch genus, the Birch family: downy birch and silver birch, reaching from 25 to 30 m in height and up to 1 m in trunk diameter. Both species are classic trees of the Middle Zone, the leaves of which are about 7 cm in length, small, bright green, ovate. The bark is brownish and begins to turn white by the age of 10 years.

Important! The fluffy bark is smooth, white, without cracks, while the pendulous bark is the opposite.

It grows in Europe, Russia, for example, many are planted in the Moscow region. Most often, the two species grow together, which is why such a single name came about. Lifespan is about 120 years, although sometimes longer is found.

Norway maple (sycamore, plane-leaved) is a species of the genus Maple from the Salindaceae family. Reaches from 12 to 28 m in height. The leaves are palm-shaped with 5 or 7 lobes up to 18 cm in size. Maple is a deciduous tree, so its color varies from light green to orange depending on the season. The brownish bark is smooth and may darken over time.

In good conditions it can live up to 200 years, although it does not increase any further at 50-60 years. One of the oldest sycamore maples grows in Ukraine, Kyiv. Habitat: Europe, western Asia.

Pavia horse chestnut is a species of the horse chestnut genus from the Salindaceae family. A small tree up to 12 m high. The trunk is small, slender, covered with light, grayish bark. The crown is wide, lush with reddish branches. Leaves are up to 14 cm long with a serrated edge and visible veins of a bright green color. Consist of five narrowly elliptical lobes.

Under favorable conditions, it lives from 200 to 300 years, although most often it is limited to 150 years. In Southern Europe, India, Asia, people like to plant it in the country or near the house as an ornamental plant; in its natural environment it can be found in North America.

Winged euonymus is a species of the genus Euonymus from the Euonymus family. A small shrub up to 3 m tall with a densely branched crown. The trunk is slender with numerous branches. The bark is brownish and has unusual corky wings along the edges. The leaves are obovate up to 5 cm green, but in autumn they can be carmine red.

Lives up to 50-60 years. During this time, the roots and trunk become stronger, growth stops after 25-30 years. Distributed in Japan, Manchuria and Central China.

Note! Can be indoor.

European beech is a species of the genus Beech from the Beech family. The tree reaches 50 m in height, has a slender, columnar trunk up to 2 m in diameter. The crown is wide, rounded. The bark is not very dark, grayish, smooth, but there may be small scales. The leaves are spherical, pointed at both the base and apex, up to 10 cm long. The color varies from dark green in spring to brown in autumn.

According to various sources, the age of beech can be up to 500 years or up to 300 years. However, there is a specimen that is about 930 years old. It is most commonly planted in Europe, but has also been introduced to North America.

Apple tree is a species of the Rosaceae family, Plum subfamily. There are 62 species on the list. The most popular: homemade, Chinese and low. Small-leaved trees range in height from 2.5 to 15 m. The bark is dark brown with small cracks; wild species may have thorns. The leaves are pubescent below with falling or remaining stipules. The flowers are collected in few-flowered corymbose inflorescences. The fruit is an apple, formed from the lower ovary.

Note! The apple tree is quite durable for a domesticated crop. Age reaches 100 years. However, wild varieties can grow for up to 300 years.

The apple tree is widespread in Europe, Iran, Crimea, China, Mongolia, and Russia.

Linden is a member of the Malvaceae family, which has about 45 species. The most popular: small-leaved, large-leaved, felt, American, etc. Height varies from 20 to 38 m. The crown is tent-shaped. The leaves are heart-shaped with a more or less pronounced serrated edge and have stipules. The bark is dark gray, there are few cracks. Often it is sheet material.

Linden is a perennial tree, living up to 500 years. Some species grow longer: up to 800 and 1000 years (heart-shaped linden). Most often found in the subtropical zones of Europe, Asia and North America.

Common ash is a species of the genus Ash from the Olive family, which reaches 20-30 m in height, trunk diameter 1 m. The crown is openwork, wide. The bark is light brown, grayish with small cracks. The leaves are imparipinnate, which can contain from 7 to 15 leaflets. The leaves are ovate, elongated, sessile.

The long-living tree reaches 400 years. Homeland - Europe, Transcaucasia and Iran.

Common ash

Trembling poplar (aspen) is a species of the Poplar genus from the Willow family. Reaches 35 m in height and 1 m in diameter. The bark is light, grayish, cracks and darkens over time. The leaves are rhombic up to 7 cm, pointed at the top. The crown is wide and spreading.

Most trees live up to 80 years, although there are trees up to 150 years old. Distributed in Europe, Asia, East Africa, North America.

Hornbeam is a genus of the Birch family, which has 41 species. The bark is gray and cracks little. The leaves are oval up to 10 cm with parallel pinnate veins, dark green with a sharp tip. The trunk is slender and beautiful.

Age ranges from 100 to 150 years, although it occurs up to 400 years. The genus is represented in Asia, especially in China, as well as in Europe.

Ash is a genus of the Olive family. Reaches 25-35 m, some up to 60 m in height. The trunk diameter is up to 1 m. The crown is highly raised, wide-rounded. The bark is dark gray, smooth, with small cracks in the lower part. Leaves are opposite, up to 40 cm, consisting of 7-15 leaflets. The latter are dark green with a wedge-shaped whole base, naked above.

Ash can live up to 400 years. Found in Europe, Russia, Asia.

Difference between deciduous and coniferous trees

Deciduous plants differ from conifers not only in leaf structure and reproduction characteristics. There are coniferous trees whose leaves do not resemble needle-shaped needles, and some of them (for example, larch) are not evergreen, so determining the type of plant is not always easy.

Main differences:

  • There are many classes of deciduous plants, while conifers are grouped into one class. Previously, yews were classified into the second group, but now scientists have abandoned this division.
  • Conifers are much older and do not have a flowering stage. They are always either male or female.
  • Deciduous trees adapt more easily to different climatic conditions and are able to grow in the harshest and driest regions.

Despite the existing differences, both types are able to exist next to each other, so they are often combined when designing a site. Popular ornamental coniferous plants are cypress, cedar, thuja, and juniper.

Softwood lumber

GOST 8486-57 determines the nominal dimensions for softwood lumber. Bars and boards are available from a meter to 6.5 meters in length (gradation - 0.25 meters). Materials over 6.5 meters in length are also produced on special orders. The length tolerance is set at 25 and 50 millimeters.

Softwood lumber

Coniferous lumber is divided into the following varieties:

  • selective,
  • 1, 3, 3, 4, 5.
  • bars - from one to five. Selected varieties - not produced.


Among fruit plants there are both deciduous trees and shrubs and evergreens. There are hundreds of varieties of fruit plants in the world.

Apple, plum and cherry trees are traditionally grown in Russian regions, but some other trees are also frost-resistant and take root well in the middle zone.

Plum, cherry, bird cherry, sweet cherry

These plants are distinguished by beautiful flowering and white or white-pink flowers.

Bird cherry

They prefer sunny and open places. In spring they bring sophistication and freshness to the garden, and their fruits are widely used in cooking.



This plant tolerates the harsh winters of Siberia well and does not require troublesome care. Serviceberry berries contain a high content of vitamin C, acids, and tannins.

To obtain a rich harvest, shadberry is planted in an open, sunny place, maintaining a distance between bushes of at least 3 m.


Apricot belongs to the Rosaceae family. All types and subspecies of apricot are deciduous leafy plants.

The plant blooms with beautiful white or pink flowers. The serrated leaves have a glossy finish. The fruits are orange or yellow. The rich color of the fruit indicates the presence of beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant that prevents aging.

Wild apricots have small, dark orange fruits. Wild apricot varieties are found most often in China and Ukraine. These include: Maniazhur apricot, common apricot, Tibetan apricot, ansu, Siberian apricot. The following fruit varieties can be distinguished: Sambursky early, Zaporozhets, Monastyrsky, Molodezhny.

The common apricot can withstand temperatures up to 45 degrees below zero. It tolerates drought well, but cannot withstand waterlogged soil.


Hazel is also known as hazel. An unpretentious, sun-loving shrub that bears fruit in late summer or early autumn. Common hazel nuts are called hazelnuts.

They have high nutritional value, contain valuable oils and are rich in microelements. To increase the yield, replanting is carried out every two years.


Deciduous bush, less often a low tree. Hawthorn is often grown for decorative purposes, but its fruits are widely used in medicine.

They regulate heart function, help fight shortness of breath and are useful for thyroid diseases.


Growing peaches is quite painstaking, and the lifespan of this plant is short. They are not suitable for the Moscow region and all central regions.

Peach grows in warm latitudes, producing flowers early in the year - in January or February. The flowering of the tree begins before the first leaves bloom.


There are more than 200 species of honeysuckle in the world. In the wild, it grows in Asian regions. These plants are trees and shrubs.

Garden honeysuckle is often used for decorative purposes.


The most common type is black elderberry, but Marginata and Aurea varieties are more suitable for garden plots.

Elderberry is planted in a sunny place or in light partial shade and propagated by cuttings.

Plum (damson, cherry plum)

These fruit bushes look very impressive during flowering and do not tend to get sick during wet, rainy periods.

Fruit trees, like plums, are also moisture-loving deciduous trees

You can even plant plums next to a swamp and in large quantities, so the area will drain more quickly. Trees consume moisture to form strong branches, dense leaves and fruits.

Important! For planting, it is recommended to plant the plum or cherry plum not in the shade, but in the area most exposed to the sun, so the drying process will be most effective.

You cannot plant any trees on a garden plot if it has swampy areas. Deciduous plants can serve as good dehumidifiers and decorate garden areas if you study their characteristics and properties.

Apple tree

The height of apple trees may vary depending on the variety. In Russia, most often, medium-sized trees with red and white-pink fruits are grown. These deciduous plants bloom profusely from April or May to June and like well-lit areas.

Cedar forests

When talking about what types of forests there are (species, types of forests), we should definitely include cedar in a separate group. This is a dark coniferous, sometimes mixed forest, dominated by cedar pines, which produce edible nuts and valuable wood. They grow in the coniferous-taiga part of Eurasia. Very often you can find cedar-spruce-fir or maple-linden-hazel thickets. Essentially, three types of forests come together. In forest areas it is difficult to see trees of the same species; as a rule, there is a mixture of several varieties.

If we talk about cedar trees, they are more closely related to animals. They are inhabited by weasels, sables, ermines, American minks, weasels, otters, wolverines, badgers, deer, moose, wolves, reindeer, musk deer, Siberian goats, wild boars, bears and many others. Such forests are also rich in wood grouse, black grouse, hazel grouse and other birds.

Deciduous trees of Russia

Deciduous trees - types and life expectancy

Deciduous forest trees include linden, birch, oak, and elm. Such vegetation is found in mixed forests throughout Russia.


Linden belongs to the deciduous group of plants.

Big linden tree in the middle of a field

Geographically, it grows in the European part of the country. The height indicators reach 40 m. The crown of the linden tree has a spherical shape; its diameter can increase up to 20 m. This gives the tree majesty. The leaves are arranged on long petioles in an alternate order. The leaf blade has a jagged structure and a yellow tint. Linden blossoms begin in early July and last up to two weeks.

Note! Linden fruits, flowers, leaves and bark are widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Healing decoctions and infusions are prepared on their basis.


Oak belongs to the Beech subspecies. It grows in the Eastern European part of Russia. The plant is impressive in size. Its length reaches 60 m, and the width of the trunk remains at around 2 m. The oak has a spherical crown, making it majestic and wide. The bark of the tree has a gray tint, and as it develops it turns black. Average life expectancy is 500 years.

Oak is distinguished by its taproot system, its leaves have different rounded edges and alternate arrangement.

Important! The tree begins to bloom in the 40th year of life at the end of spring. Oak fruits - acorns - appear in early to mid-September.


Elms are deciduous trees, growing wild, reaching a height of 30-40 m. At the same time, the width of the trunk increases to 2 m as it grows. Sometimes elms are found in the form of shrubs. The crown of the plant most often has a cylindrical shape, but sometimes it is also spherical. Elm lives up to 120 years. In history, cases of his life expectancy of up to 400 years have been recorded.


Birch grows in the northern and central latitudes of the country. This plant is suitable for growing in summer cottages. Birch grows up to 40 m in height and lives up to 150 years. The leaf shape of the plant is round with jagged edges. Inflorescences in the form of flattened earrings. Birch is not picky about growing conditions, so you can use sand, clay, and stones for planting it.

Lonely birch tree in the center of a green field

Note! In spring and summer, the plant produces juice, which is widely used in folk medicine. Based on the leaves and buds of birch, various decoctions and infusions are made that help cope with many diseases. The wood of the plant is used to make plywood and wooden toys.




Acacia blossom

Acacia is an evergreen tree. The genus of acacia includes more than 400 species. The tree cannot withstand cold climates, so it is found more often only in tropical and subtropical climates.

Acacias can be either short or tall. Some plants reach 25 m in height. Acacias are distinguished by shedding their leaves during drought.

White acacia does the opposite. During drought, its leaves bloom, and with the onset of humidity, they fly off. Acacia is a good honey plant. After 30 years, the plant noticeably slows down its growth, and its bark begins to crack.

The most famous in our country are silver acacia and white acacia. The latter species is popularly called mimosa. White locust grows in South Africa and is an evergreen plant.


Maple is considered a small deciduous tree with an ovoid crown. Widely distributed in Europe, in deciduous forests. Over the course of a year, the plant grows by 25-45 cm, and the height of an adult maple is from 5 to 15 m. The leaf has an opposite, 3-5 lobed shape. In autumn, the dark green color on the leaves changes to a bright orange, sometimes red hue.

The plant is unpretentious to its growing areas. It can easily tolerate dry and wet soils and calcareous substrates. Tolerates heat, frost and wind well.

Common species include: field maple, ash maple, Norway maple or common maple, false sycamore maple, red maple, silver maple, Tatarian maple, sugar maple.




Hornbeam grows in European and West Asian forests. The crown of the tree can be either cone-shaped or spherical. The soft-leaved plant has a stable immunity to diseases, therefore it is one of the strongest deciduous trees.


There are about 300 species of willow in nature. All of them can be classified as deciduous dioecious plants. Willow is valued as a honey plant, and also for improving landscape design. Life expectancy is up to 200 years. The plant blooms in April, yellow narrow catkins appear along with the leaves.

Willow is frost-resistant. It is not demanding on soil and moisture and can survive drought. The root system is superficial and widespread. Willow prefers sunny places, but light shade is not an obstacle to it.

Most often the plant can be found along the banks of rivers and seas. Trees line huge thickets along rivers and lakes.

The plant's neighbors are often poplars and aspens.

The most famous species in nature are: white or silver willow, golden willow, and weeping willow.


Poplars are quite unpretentious to soils. They tolerate the conditions of the middle zone, but they can also be found in the north.

Pyramid poplars

The only thing poplars don't like is wetlands. Trees can live up to 150 years, but because they are susceptible to fungal diseases, poplars do not live long.

The crown shape can be either pyramidal or wide spreading. Poplar fruits are peculiar capsules that, with the onset of heat, release seeds with fine hairs. This fluff, if it gets into the eyes and respiratory tract, can cause an allergic reaction.

Among the most common types are: white or silver poplar, balsam poplar, black poplar, trembling poplar or trembling aspen.

Poplar wood is used to make paper, silk, matchsticks and furniture. When landscaping an area with poplars, you need to take into account that with age they become brittle. Their roots are very powerful and aggressive and can harm the water supply under the road surface.


Chestnut is considered a large tree up to 25-30 m in height. Its crown is wide, dense, and very picturesque. An adult tree has branches that hang down. In nature, it can be found in mountain forests; it prefers deep sandy and clay soils.

Every year the tree's growth increases by 45 - 50 cm. The leaves are large and consist of 5-7 parts. The leaf blade and petiole are 10-20 cm long.

Chestnut fruit

The color is dark green, and in autumn it changes to yellow-brown. Chestnut has large pyramidal inflorescences, similar to candles, directed upward. The fruits are interesting: large green balls with spines, inside which seeds ripen - chestnuts.

The root system is deep, taprooted, with a large number of branches. Common names: common chestnut, pink horse chestnut, small-flowered horse chestnut.

Deciduous trees also include: beech, elm, alder, hazel, linden.


Ash has one of the strongest woods, which is why in ancient times it was used to make weapons. Now its wooden part is used to make furniture, musical instruments, and the bark with fruits is used in pharmaceuticals. Ash can grow up to 50 meters, so it has a very strong and wide root system. Its bright green leaves form an ovoid shape, with some varieties having jagged edges.

Beech, or European beech

The tree is 40 meters high, sometimes it can grow up to 55 meters, but the diameter does not exceed 2 meters. One of the longest-living plants with an oval crown.

Forest beech also has another name - European

The wide leaves have a round, slightly elongated shape. The bark of a young beech is brownish-gray, while that of an adult is dark gray with scales on it.

Oak forests

Oak groves are plantations dominated by oak trees.

They are widespread in the zone of deciduous forests, as well as in the forest-steppe, in the mountains and foothills of the Caucasus, and in the Far East. Oak trees, as a rule, are complex plantings in which linden, ash, maple, beech, aspen, and alder also grow. Quite a few oak forests are considered natural monuments: Tellerman Grove, Shipov Forest.

Evergreen deciduous plants

Coniferous or evergreen deciduous trees are also used in the design of homestead areas. Today there are many varieties of trees and shrubs that are capable of decorating a site with their fresh and bright crown throughout the year.

Euonymus winged

An impressive foliage plant that can also be grown as a houseplant. It has an unusual openwork crown with small leaf plates. The plant can be grown as a shrub, as it tends to grow very wide.


More than 600 species of rhododendron grow in the world, some of which are deciduous, and some are evergreen. One of the most popular genera is azalea.

Azaleas are heat-loving, require careful care, they need acidic soil and regular fertilizers.


An ancient plant that appeared in the Cretaceous period. Natural habitat is East Asia and North America.

Wild magnolia grows on the Russian island of Kunashir. In the southern regions it is used for urban landscaping and planted in private areas.


A slow-growing, unpretentious plant that in Russia grows mainly on the Black Sea coast.

One of the most ancient shrubs used for landscaping. Since boxwood easily tolerates pruning, it is well suited for creating hedges and sculptural compositions.

Pine forests

When considering types of forest, it is necessary to mention pine. These are light coniferous trees of various types. The following may be present here: Scots pines, Pitsunda pines, hooked pines and many others. In Russia, the type of coniferous forest formed by five-coniferous pines is called cedar.

Pine forests can consist only of pines, or can be mixed with larch, spruce and other species (conifers). Linden, oak, birch and aspen (compound pine and subori) may also be present. Pine forests are common in forest-steppe and forest zones.

The favorite places for pine trees to grow are sandy deposits and peat bogs. This type of forest is a real wealth of Russia, as it is a source of wood with remarkable properties and other raw materials. In addition, it plays a soil-protective, water-protective, sanitary and hygienic role.

Moisture-loving trees for draining the site

Some areas of the soil may be too swampy and wet, causing other plants to not develop properly. The solution is to plant moisture-loving trees and shrubs.

What kind of trees are there in the middle zone - deciduous and coniferous trees

Alder is a genus of the Birch family, of which there are about 40 species. The leaves are spherical with a blunt end and pronounced veins. The bark is dark brown with small cracks. The crown is set high and wide. The life form changes depending on the conditions. Since alder loves moisture, it can often be seen near swamps. There it is represented by trees up to 30 m. In drier areas it looks like a small tree, sometimes a shrub.

For your information! Wood is popular for use in the construction of frames, furniture, lining of classrooms, schools, and kindergartens.

Larch is a genus of the Pine family. With good humidity it can grow up to 50 m and live up to 300-400 years (there are specimens that have lived up to 800 years). The needles are soft, the crown is loose. The trunks are slender, the bark is brown with small cracks. Grows in the taiga, temperate regions of Eurasia and North America. Often found in coniferous forests.

Tatarian maple is a species of the genus Maple, family Salindae. Native to Europe and Southwest Asia, it grows along ravines and rivers. Depending on the amount of water, it can be up to 12 m tall with thin, smooth, dark bark and simple, opposite, oval leaves up to 11 cm long.

Important! Due to pollution of water bodies, the number of specimens is decreasing.

Homemade plum

Ash, birch and plum fruit trees are also moisture-loving.

In life, a person must plant a tree, build a house and raise a child. The article provided useful data to deal with the first point by choosing a tree that will fit well with the owner’s site.

Which fruit trees love moisture?

Among the moisture-loving shrubs and trees there are also fruit plants. They are planted in garden plots that are swampy and require soil drainage. In this way, you can “kill two birds with one stone” at the same time: bring the site to normal condition and grow fruit trees.

Linden forests

Linden forests are plantings in which linden trees predominate. The maximum age that such forests reach is four hundred years. Linden trees are especially interesting as a food source for beekeeping. Trees grow well in rich soils and reproduce by both root layering and seeds.

Linden is valued not only for the beauty of its crown, but also for its high-quality wood, which is distinguished by its durability, strength, good ability to absorb paints and varnishes, and resistance to cracking.

Interesting facts about deciduous trees

The trees described appeared during the Jurassic period. Despite their young age, their distribution area has expanded to the entire planet in a fairly short period of time. It's interesting that:

  • The largest tree is considered to be a chestnut tree called “Hundreds of Horses”. Grows on the east coast of Sicily. It is only 8 km away from the active crater of Mount Etna. The tree is included in the Guinness Book of Records because it has the largest trunk girth - 57.9 km. The chestnut tree has one root, but several trunks. As legend has it, one day the Queen of Naples and her 100 knights took refuge under this tree during a thunderstorm. Since then, the chestnut has received the name “Hundred Horses”;
  • In the south of Primorye you can find Schmidt birch. This plant is interesting because it has durable, fire-resistant wood that sinks in water;
  • The oldest tree in Europe can be considered the “Old Man” oak, it is already 2000 years old. Poland also has its own long-livers: three “Oaks of Friendship”, which are 900 years old. They have their own names: “Czech”, “Lech” and “Rus”.

Deciduous forest develops much faster than coniferous forest. The forest is lighter and more spacious because the trees do not grow too close to each other.

There are some more interesting facts about deciduous trees with a variety of names. These plants are capable of developing throughout their lives, and although they are often called the lungs of the planet, on average 20 grams of wood is used to make a piece of ordinary paper.

This is why it is so important to support recycling, because 75-80 kg of waste paper can save one large tree. The most expensive type of wood is mahogany. The height of the tallest specimen in the world is 115 m; this crop grows in the USA.

But the richest country in timber is Finland. Forests make up about 70% of its area. By comparison, the area of ​​forest planted in Greater Britain is estimated to be around 12-13%. About 25% of all forests on our planet are Taiga. Overall, forests occupy about a third of the land area. But this number is decreasing every year. Being in the forest is really good for your health. Many people report that they can relax in nature. This is physiologically true, because next to the abundance of trees, the pulse slows down slightly and breathing becomes more even.

While watching the video, you will learn which deciduous trees can be planted on the site.

The most valuable deciduous trees are those with the following names: pear, oak, ash, cherry, beech, walnut and maple. They are used both in construction and for industrial purposes.

Fir forests

Fir forests are dark coniferous, mixed plantations. They are most common in the taiga. The main species is Siberian fir. However, the tree does not have very good wood quality, associated with low resistance to rot, and therefore its role in the economy is small. If we talk about the recreational value of fir forests, then they have a very high concentration of ticks, especially encephalitis. The most valuable fir forests are located in national parks and reserves (Baikal, Altai, Sayano-Shushensky, Caucasian, etc.)

Instead of an afterword

In our article we looked at the main types of forests. In the forest zone, as we can see, there is a mixture of different tree species, resulting in the formation of mixed plantings. Whatever they are, they play a huge role in a person’s life. The forest is not only an environment, but also affects the cleanliness of the air and water around us. In addition, humanity is actively using all its resources; it is unlikely that they will ever be replaced by something else. And we should not forget that the forest was home to many peoples, and their cultures and customs were formed precisely under its influence.

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