Popular options for birch furniture, the main advantages of the material

Good to know » Birch wood - features and application
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Our prices may interest you! Birch is a native Russian tree that grows in large quantities on our territory. In order to become a suitable material for the wood processing industry, birch must grow for approximately 70 years. Birch wood has a light shade, turning into pink and beige. Tree rings are poorly expressed. Heart-shaped rays are visible in the section.

The main qualities are normal strength and hardness. However, wood has little resistance to rotting and mechanical stress.

Advantages and disadvantages of wood

Furniture made from Karelian birch has a number of advantages over other types of wood:

  1. One of the main advantages is its beautiful appearance. Due to the variety of natural patterns made by nature itself, masterpieces of furniture in various styles can be created from it: Provence, chalet, Scandinavian. If you look at the photo, the surface of the furniture turns out to be as close as possible to antiques;
  2. The main advantage of furniture made from Karelian birch is its durability. When compared with other species, it is as close as possible to beech. With proper processing, an excellent material is obtained for the manufacture of interior items with a long service life;
  3. Another positive quality is ease of processing. Difficulties can only arise when trying to plan or profile timber due to the hairiness of the wood surface. The most convenient processing methods are: etching, gluing and grinding on specialized equipment;
  4. Environmental friendliness of the material. It is safe for children's rooms and for rooms where allergy sufferers live.

Along with the advantages, birch furniture also has its disadvantages:

  1. If all conditions for wood processing are met, a durable material can be obtained, but for this it is necessary to take into account one point: raw wood of this type quickly deteriorates. Therefore, when working with this breed, it is necessary to speed up the processing process and production cycle;
  2. In addition to high strength indicators, there is also a disadvantage - with constant exposure to moisture, wood can deteriorate. That is why Karelian birch furniture is practically not used for kitchens. If you still want to please yourself with such an exquisite piece of furniture, it is recommended to install such furniture in spacious rooms with good ventilation.

Taking into account some of the characteristics of the material, you can properly process the timber to obtain a reliable and durable material.

Physical and mechanical characteristics of birch

Birch is not one of the leading materials in the construction industry. Its wood is used here for the production of semi-finished products. However, in furniture production it plays a large role. This purpose is due to the various physical characteristics of wood.


The relative, conditional density of wood is the proportional ratio of parts of equal weight, one of which is absolutely dry, the other at the limit of hygroscopicity. Birch is a wood with an average density. At a relative humidity of 12% it is equal to 0.65 g/m3. And at a humidity of 25% it is 0.71 g/m3. It is noteworthy that the density of late wood is more than 2 times higher than that of early wood.

Wood strength

The resistance to destruction from the outside is called the density of wood. This indicator is lower, the higher the wood's moisture content. External defects of wood also affect strength. Black birch is the strongest wood.

At a humidity of 12%, the tensile strength indicators are as follows:

Type of birchWith static bendingWhen fibers are compressedFor radial chippingFor tangential cutting
Daurskaya1202-105 Pa601.44-105 Pa125-105 Pa152-105 Pa
Ribbed1265.6-105 Pa628.32-105 Pa138.43-105 Pa172-105 Pa
Stone1266-105 Pa609-105 Pa

The listed indicators are characteristic of most types of birch wood. These parameters classify the wood as a soft tree species.

But the durable varieties of birch are as follows:

  • Iron;
  • Fluffy;
  • Crying.

Moreover, any type of birch wood has the lowest resistance to radial splitting. A similar split is used to make firewood. And the maximum strength of any birch wood is obtained by tangential splitting. This method is used to make durable products, such as ax and chisel handles.

Catalog strength indicators, as well as most other physical parameters, are determined at natural humidity.


The generally accepted scale for determining the hardness of wood of different species is based on the Brinell method. According to it, most varieties of birch belong to wood species of medium hardness, but are quite wear-resistant. That is why parquet is made from birch, which, by the way, is quite popular.

So, ordinary birch is a hard wood; its end hardness exceeds 38.6 MPa. But iron birch has a hardness value that is higher than 82 MPa.

Wood weight

The weight of wood depends on the amount of cellular tissue, the anatomical structure of the tree, the amount of water in it and strength, hardness, calorific value, possibilities for swelling, and the degree of shrinkage.

Specific gravity indicators

Average weight of freshly cut birchLimit weight of freshly cut birchAverage weight of dry birchLimit weight of dry birch

Any dry birch is 3-5% lighter than wet birch. The specific gravity of freshly cut birch during periods of constant rain can be one third heavier.

The volumetric mass of wood is responsible for quality indicators. The average volumetric mass of birch wood at a humidity of up to 15% is 0.64 g/cm3, which classifies it as a medium-heavy wood. But the volumetric mass of freshly cut birch is 0.88 g/cm3.

Thermal conductivity

The ability to conduct heat from one surface to another in birch wood is 630 kg/m3. This indicator was determined in a laboratory method under humidity conditions of 12%. In a completely dry state, the thermal conductivity decreases to 600 kg/m3.

At the same time, the combustion temperature of birch is quite high. Thus, when burning, birch firewood reaches a temperature of 1547 °C, and this is with a flash point of 300-350 °C. The calorific value of birch firewood is 4968 calories.

Thus, according to physical indicators, birch wood does not retain heat well, is susceptible to rot and can be damaged by a bug, however, as lumber it has high qualities, and birch firewood produces quite a lot of heat.


Birch is very sensitive to humidity. That is why only small crafts are made from it; large items can change their shape under the influence of moisture. Freshly felled downy and warty birch has a maximum moisture content of 78%, and ribbed birch has a maximum moisture content of 68%.

The hygroscopicity of birch wood is quite high. It is capable of absorbing large quantities of vapor from the air. But it almost always releases moisture only in special dryers.

A humidity of 12% for all varieties of birch is achieved only through forced drying. And for additional protection of birch wood from the harmful effects of moisture, it is worth impregnating it with sunflower oil. Its viscous structure allows it to penetrate deep into the layers of wood, thereby creating additional protection. You can also immerse finished products made from dry wood in a hot oil solution for several (4-5) hours.

Chemical composition

Any wood contains C, H, O and N. The total mass of these elements is about 99%. The chemical composition of the trunk and branches is identical. Only absolutely dry wood contains about 50% carbon and only 0.3% nitrogen.

Processing and finishing

Since Karelian birch is a material susceptible to moisture, it is necessary to include in the processing cycle a special coating with moisture-repellent and protective dyes.

The wood preparation cycle includes several types of processing:

  • Drying - if the wood gets wet in the rain, it must be dried thoroughly, otherwise birch furniture will become deformed and quickly lose its appearance;
  • Gluing - this process allows you to prepare timber of the required thickness and type;
  • Polishing is a necessary step to achieve ideal evenness of a wooden panel;
  • Etching with special substances improves performance characteristics and increases the service life of furniture.

The resulting wood is processed on milling and lathes to produce unique furniture of various shapes.

Birch furniture panel

Buying dry birch in Barnaul will not be difficult. The quality of dry boards varies by grade, hence the price.

In large construction stores, such as Leroy, you can buy, for example, a ready-made staircase to the basement or to the country house. In general, where our requirements for the product are not high. Steps and other components purchased in the store are made without waste; they are spliced ​​from various pieces of wood and resemble parquet. The Papa Carlo company does not use such technologies. Why? Yes, because the use of pieces of wood glued together at the end, for example for steps, violates all the rules and regulations of carpentry. But marketers don’t eat their bread for nothing. Considering the fact that birch needs longitudinal sawing in order to relieve the tension of the fibers, they claim that end-joined panels are better than glued solid lamella panels. Actually this is not true. If you need building material to make a staircase to your dacha, then furniture board is quite suitable for this. You just can’t count it as an array. Joinery material is more expensive than construction material, and for high quality, joinery workshops in Barnaul overpay up to 30% of the cost. 22,000 rubles is the real price for the so-called zero grade of one cube of birch.

Furniture options

Birch, furniture from which can be very diverse, is a fertile material for craftsmen. Most often it is made from:

  1. Kitchen units - they are usually made of veneer and installed on the walls opposite the stove and sink. Designers can work with drawings, proposing unique forms of decoration - all this is possible when working with this type of wood. When making kitchen furniture, it is important to seal particularly vulnerable areas to extend their service life;
  2. Dining tables made of this wood look very beautiful. In combination with massive stools, they create interesting ensembles;
  3. Coffee tables and massive desks for offices are complemented by carved legs. And tabletops coated with transparent varnish convey all the beauty of the material;
  4. Bedroom sets with polished surfaces look simply luxurious. The natural pattern of birch makes the products highly decorative and does not require additional decoration. Beds are usually equipped with a high headboard, on which natural patterns look especially beautiful;
  5. Children's furniture is especially popular. With its help, the room is filled with warmth and softness visually. At the same time, safety is ensured for the child’s hands, since the furniture has a smooth surface and does not form splinters. Birch furniture is environmentally friendly, which has a beneficial effect on the child’s health. The optimal use of birch is the manufacture of beds and furniture sets;
  6. Furniture made of bent birch. Steamed wood can be used to make various boxes and baskets for storing things. Another option is to create elegant garden furniture. Wood can also be used to make rocking chairs that will decorate the country style;
  7. For a living room in a classic style, chests of drawers, walls and sets decorated with fine carvings are suitable. Soft armchairs and sofas with curly legs will complement the magnificent ensemble.

Whatever the interior item is chosen, it will look original and fresh in any interior.

What is better for making stairs, birch or larch?

Papa Carlo company specialists constantly analyze search queries, where they often ask what is better for making stairs, larch or birch? Larch is undoubtedly very moisture resistant, this is its main quality. Only in home conditions with stable temperature and humidity this merit is not noticeable; on the contrary, the material is not used for its intended purpose. No, no one argues, larch stairs are good, they just perform better in damp basements with constantly high humidity.

Let me give you a simple example. Two neighbors built fences, one of pine and the other of larch, as a warning to the first. So, in rainy and sunny conditions, the pine stood longer, and the larch fell down. The example is not entirely related to the topic of stairs, but I want to say that the main quality must be used for its intended purpose. That is why in Venice, or whatever, in St. Petersburg they would have thrown hats at me. There, larch works at 100% efficiency. Therefore, in conditions where there is plenty of birch, the answer is clear. It is better to make stairs for your home from birch.

How to distinguish from a fake

When determining natural birch solids, you should pay attention to the shade of the wood. The color palette varies from dark shades (brown or chocolate) to light beige and light gray options. An older tree has a unique yellowish-brown or grayish-pink color.

There are dark patterned inclusions along all the fibers, due to which a unique ornament is formed. The structure of furniture made from Karelian birch in the photo is more reminiscent of marble.

There are a number of indicators that will help distinguish fake from original wood:

  1. The ends of the slabs may give away fakes. If they are “sharp” in shape, they are most likely fake;
  2. If traces of adhesive sagging or peeling of the upper surface are visible at the ends, the material is clearly not made of solid wood;
  3. Another indicator of a craft is the uniformity of the pattern. A real tree cannot have a perfectly even pattern.

If at least one of their signs is noted, one can easily doubt the naturalness of the solid wood seen, brought from Karelia.

Types of birch

Of the 4 dozen varieties of birch, most are suitable for the chemical industry and for making furniture. This is largely due to physical indicators, which indicate that the tree is not very dense, does not have the required hardness, and is at the same time susceptible to detrimental destruction over time. Nevertheless, there are varieties of birch that are considered very valuable and can be used in various sectors of the national economy.

A few words about common birch:


This birch species reaches a maximum height of 30 meters when mature. It comes after her eighth birthday. Then the brown tree trunk turns white. The wood is painted yellowish-white. This is one of the heaviest and quite dense woods.

The second name is warty birch, this species received due to the fact that the tree is covered with resin warts. A young birch tree has straight branches. And the old one has sagging downwards. The leaves are shaped like a diamond. Silver birch blooms in May or June. The flowers are brown. It grows in wooded, mountainous areas, as well as on plains throughout Russia.

The tree is very light-loving, its lifespan can reach 120 years. Valued for its high calorific value. Used in the production of charcoal, skis and plywood. Wood performance deserves 5 points.

Photo of silver birch


This is a branched shrub very similar to a large birch. It grows in the northern regions of Russia and throughout Canada. Selects mountainous or swampy terrain. The leaves of the plant are small, dark green above, light below. Small earrings have an oval shape. The bark of an adult plant is smooth, brown, covered with a cork layer.

The shrub grows slowly, but is able to withstand critically low temperatures. In the North, dwarf birch leaves are used as food for deer. And the trunk and branches for the fire. Dwarf birch is also used in landscape design.

Photo of dwarf birch


The neighbor of silver birch in the forests of Karelia, Belarus, Lithuania and the northwestern regions of the European part of Russia is often Karelian birch. The tree has a special burl (growth) on the trunk. It is highly prized for its interesting texture.

It is a subspecies of silver birch and grows in small groups. There are three types:

  • short,
  • medium height,
  • tall.

The wood pattern is the most beautiful and unique. Wood is used to create sculptural compositions, dishes, and other crafts. Karelian birch wood is one of the most valuable and it is often the symbol of the North of Russia.

Photo of Karelian birch

Daurian (Korean)

Black birch reaches a height of 25 meters. Grows on the lower slopes of mountains in Japan, Northern China, Korea, Mongolia and the Far East. It is believed that where there is this birch there is good soil for farming. The leaves are oval and dark green. Loves light and moisture. Most often used for decorative purposes or for the production of coal, as well as in the manufacture of handicrafts.

This video will tell you what black birch is like:


This type of birch is a shrub whose maximum height does not exceed 2.5 meters. Most often, squat birch grows in swamps in Western Siberia, the Far East, and central Ukraine.

The leaves of the shrub are oval with resinous warts. The buds are oval, pubescent. Color along with the appearance of leaves in May. Leaves, buds and bark are used by humans only for medicinal purposes or for lighting solid fuel stoves.

Photo of a squat birch


The second name is Schmidt birch. Its wood not only does not sink in water, but also does not burn. Grows on rocky soil in Japan, China, southern Primorye. The tree grows up to twenty meters, the crown begins after 8 meters. The color of the bark ranges from dark gray to brown.

This birch is long-lived. Lives up to 400 years. It grows very slowly for the first half century. Loves light. When its quantity is small, the trunk tilts strongly. Its use on the farm is impossible, since there are no tools that could process it.


This is a tree whose height does not exceed 5 meters. The bark is yellowish-gray. Red birch or Yarmolenko grows only in Kazakhstan, and only in the Almaty region. There is very little of it there either, so it is listed in the Red Book and its cutting is prohibited.

Photo of red birch

Birch Erman (stone)

Betula ermani Cham. It grows in Sakhalin and Kamchatka, as well as in the Far East and Japan. Sometimes it is called Siberian. The bark of the tree, whose height is no more than 20 meters, is brown. This birch is frost-resistant. Grows in rocky soil. Used for kindling, in the production of coal, and also in the manufacture of handicrafts.

In the photo - Erman birch


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