Oak - how to grow: from seed care to growth support + 101 photos

Oak is a massive, strong tree; along with other wild trees, it is particularly majestic due to its spreading bushes.

The oak is considered the king of the forest; the tree grows for quite a long time; it will take more than 70 years to see a thick trunk. The peculiarity of such a tree is that for the first few decades it grows in length, after which it grows in thickness.

The roots of the tree grow deep into the ground, and young shoots always grow from the main trunk.

The oak loves sunlight; you can see how on the most illuminated edges of the pine forest an oak tree grows and stretches into the heights. Oak tolerates drought well, tolerates frosty winters, and also grows in any soil.

Acorns can be collected 14 years after planting the tree, but if the oak tree grows in an open, sunny place, the fruits ripen much earlier. To get a tree, you need to plant an acorn in the ground.

In Russia, certain varieties of oak trees are planted, namely pedunculate or summer oak. The wood of such a tree is considered strong and is suitable for building houses and furniture.

Oak panels are often used in the construction of ships and yachts, as they are resistant to pests. Bottle stoppers are made from oak bark; cork oak is specially grown for this purpose.

Oak bark is widely used in medicine to treat diseases of the oral cavity, throat, and is included in herbal collections that help with inflammation, some skin diseases, and burns.

Acorns are fed to pigs, and certain varieties are planted in parks as ornamental plants.

Chestnut-leaved oak has unusually beautifully shaped leaves; they are collected for the herbarium in September.

How to grow oak?

To plant an oak tree, the acorn must be fresh; from this harvest, dry fruits most likely will not sprout. Acorns are planted in the ground at the end of September before frost or in the spring after it.

It is recommended to add special fertilizers to the soil to prevent pests from appearing in the soil. When planted, oak fruits are often eaten by rodents underground, as a result of which the seed is lost.

To plant acorns in the ground in the spring, they must be stored properly throughout the winter. The temperature should be 0 degrees or slightly higher. The room should be humid, not stuffy. Most often, acorns are stored in the cellar.

In the fall, it is necessary to plant healthy fruits, which should be collected in dry weather and then dried in the window for five days. Before sowing, it is necessary to check the acorns for the presence of pests, worms or insects; it is enough to open several healthy fruits from the general collected heap.

The seeds suitable for planting have yellow seeds inside, the missing fruits inside are usually gray or brown.

You can check the suitability of the seeds for planting by soaking them in water; dead acorns will float to the top.

To plant an oak tree on your site, you need to mark the planting site before planting, namely, make long grooves 30 cm apart. The acorns are laid out in furrows at a distance of 10 cm from each other, after which they are covered with earth.

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The tree takes quite a long time to sprout; it will take time to see the first shoots, about two months. First, the root grows into the ground, strengthens, and then growth occurs on the stem itself.

It is recommended to plant the tree in the spring, since in the autumn the tree may sprout in unfavorable weather. Don’t be upset if after three weeks you don’t see shoots, give the seeds time; the rate of germination largely depends on the variety, the time of planting, and also on the soil.

You can dig up the ground a little, if the seeds sprout, then everything is in order.

Planting an oak tree, as you can see, is not a complicated process; the main rule for a good harvest is to find healthy, full-fledged fruits.

Execution technique

An oak tree tattoo in a graphic style looks impressive. A monochrome pattern is very suitable for men who want to focus on good physical shape and emphasize brutality. A similar effect is created in the dotwork style, where the image is applied using many small dots, due to which the tattoo becomes voluminous and convex. A sketch of an oak tree tattoo in the engraving style resembles an illustration from a medieval book. It is very important to clearly draw every detail so that the composition turns out to be as natural and effective as possible. To do this, you should apply a drawing on a large scale to the shoulder, back, arm, chest.

Representatives of the fair sex may consider the realism style. Tattoos with oak leaves will look beautiful on the forearm, shoulder blade, and wrist. And, of course, the palm belongs to the squirrel from the cartoon “Ice Age” hugging an acorn. This colorful character is well reproduced using the new school technique: this way the image turns out to be more cute and funny.

Video about the tattooing process

Photos of tattoos

Pests of oak trees

In the summer, powdery mildew often attacks the tree; the seedlings will not die from this, but will grow slowly. Fungal disease is treated with sulfur.

The tree can dry out due to insects that eat the bark from the inside, as well as the leaves. There are more than 180 species of oak pests, including caterpillars, butterflies, and mice.

Who is the tattoo suitable for?

The main meaning of the oak tattoo in the modern art of body painting is male strength and fertility, because it is from a tiny acorn that such a huge tree grows. The drawing is suitable for self-confident representatives of the stronger sex, hardy and brave, who want to emphasize their physical strength and power. Oak symbolizes immortality and longevity. It is believed that its image can prolong the life of its owner and activate internal energy.

By choosing such a drawing, a person, as it were, takes on the qualities inherent in this image.

The oak tattoo is also interpreted as a connection with ancestors, a return to origins, respect and veneration of one’s family. It was not for nothing that in the Middle Ages the tree symbolized noble origin. Images of acorns were embroidered on clothes by nobles and kings to emphasize their high social status and long-term reign. In modern tattoo art, a tattoo indicates not so much status as love for family, warm relationships with loved ones and relatives.

Despite the fact that the oak tree is a male symbol, girls can also choose oak leaves or acorns for their tattoo. The meaning of the picture remains unchanged - fertility, longevity, vital energy. In addition, it is believed that such a tattoo can attract wealth, material wealth, luck and success in endeavors, so the body decoration is also a talisman. Acorns with leaves will help develop creativity and achieve success in your career or study.

How is oak useful?

Since ancient times, oak has been known for its medicinal properties. Bark, leaves, and fruits are used.

The bark has an astringent effect and is used to treat stomach ulcers, gastritis, and liver disease. Decoctions of oak bark are used in the treatment of gums, namely to reduce their bleeding. Oak is included in various useful ointments and dry preparations.

An infusion of oak acorns helps with skin diseases, burns, bleeding from the stomach, and food poisoning.

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For diarrhea in children, a decoction of oak bark is used, and oak decoction is also used for tonsillitis, uterine tone, and pharyngitis.

If you have allergies, it is recommended to take baths with oak extract. For excessive sweating of the feet, foot baths are also performed.

A cooled decoction of oak bark helps to effectively eliminate burns, frostbite, and relieves pain locally.

Photo of oak

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