Weight of a cube of larch. How much does a board cube weigh: main characteristics

How much does 1 cube of unedged board (pine) weigh, the weight of 1 m3 of unedged wane board, sawn logs. The number of kilograms in 1 cubic meter of unedged joinery boards, the number of tons in 1 cubic meter of unedged softwood lumber. How many kg are there in 1 m3 of sawn timber (needles). Bulk density of unedged boards, specific gravity of sawn wood with bark, wane beams, slats (pine).

What do we want to learn today? How much does 1 cube of unedged joiner's board, softwood lumber with edge, weigh, the weight of 1 m3 of unedged pine joiner's board, ash lumber? No problem, you can find out the number of kilograms or the number of tons at once, the mass of sawn logs (the weight of one cubic meter of sawn timber, the weight of one cube of unedged boards of needles, the weight of one cubic meter of sawn pine wood with bark, the weight of 1 m3 of unedged lumber of needles) are indicated in the table 1. If anyone is interested, you can skim the short text below and read some explanations. How is the amount of substance, material, liquid or gas we need measured? Except for those cases when it is possible to reduce the calculation of the required quantity to the counting of goods, products, elements in pieces (piece counting), it is easiest for us to determine the required quantity based on volume and weight (mass). In everyday life, the most common unit of volume measurement for us is 1 liter. However, the number of liters suitable for household calculations is not always an applicable way to determine the volume for business activities. In addition, liters in our country have not become a generally accepted “production” and trade unit for measuring volume. One cubic meter, or in its abbreviated version - one cube, turned out to be a fairly convenient and popular unit of volume for practical use. We are accustomed to measuring almost all substances, liquids, materials and even gases in cubic meters. It's really convenient. After all, their costs, prices, rates, consumption rates, tariffs, supply contracts are almost always tied to cubic meters (cubes), and much less often to liters. No less important for practical activities is knowledge of not only the volume, but also the weight (mass) of the substance occupying this volume: in this case we are talking about how much 1 cubic meter of unedged lumber weighs (1 cubic meter of sawn wood with bark, 1 cubic meter of sawn timber from coniferous forests, 1 m3 of sawn timber with wane). Knowing the mass and volume gives us a fairly complete idea of ​​the amount of sawn wood with bark. Site visitors, when asking how much one cube of sawn logs weighs, often indicate specific units of mass in which they would like to know the answer to the question. As we have noticed, most often they want to know the weight of 1 cube of unedged board (1 cubic meter of unedged sawn timber from a coniferous forest, 1 cubic meter of sawn timber with an edge, 1 m3 of pine wane timber) in kilograms (kg) or in tons (t). Essentially, you need kg/m3 or t/m3. These are closely related units that determine the number of sawn coniferous forest logs. In principle, it is possible to independently recalculate the weight (mass) of sawn timber with bark and edges (wane) from tons to kilograms and vice versa: from kilograms to tons. However, as practice has shown, for most site visitors a more convenient option would be to immediately find out how many kilograms 1 cubic meter (1 m3) of unedged boards, sawn wood with bark (pine) weighs, or how many tons 1 cubic meter (1 m3) of unedged pine wane boards weighs , without converting kilograms into tons or vice versa - the number of tons into kilograms per cubic meter (one cubic meter, one cubic meter, one m3). Therefore, in Table 1 we indicated how much 1 cubic meter of unedged lumber with wane weighs (1 cubic meter of sawn timber with wane needles, 1 cubic meter of sawn pine logs with wane and bark) in kilograms (kg) and in tons (t). Choose the table column that you need yourself. By the way, when we ask how much one cube (1 m3) of unedged softwood board weighs, we mean the number of kilograms or the number of tons. However, from a physical point of view, we are interested in the density of thin wane timber or the specific gravity of sawn timber. The mass of a unit volume or the amount of substance contained in a unit volume is bulk density or specific gravity. In this case, the volumetric density of sawn wood with bark and the specific gravity of unedged coniferous boards, ash beams with bark (pine). The density of unedged lumber and the specific gravity of unedged boards of coniferous trees are usually measured in physics not in kg/m3 or in tons/m3, but in grams per cubic centimeter: g/cm3. Therefore, in Table 1, the specific gravity of unedged lumber and the density of sawn timber with wane, sawn logs (synonyms) are indicated in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3)

Table 1. How much does 1 cube of unedged pine boards, coniferous timber with edges weigh, the weight of 1 m3 of unedged pine joinery boards. Bulk density of unedged lumber and specific gravity of sawn coniferous tree logs in g/cm3. How many kilograms are there in a cube of unedged pine boards? How many tons are in 1 cubic meter of pine ash bark with bark. How many kg are in 1 cubic meter of softwood sawmill timber. How many tons are in 1 m3 of sawn wood with bark.

The weight of wood is an important parameter that must be taken into account when transporting or when calculating loads on various structures. However, in most cases, the main quantitative parameter for wood materials is cubic meters. Hence some difficulties.

How many tons are in a cube?

Conversion of crushed stone from a cube (1 m3) to tons

1 cube of crushed stoneTons
granite crushed stone 20-401,38
granite crushed stone 40-701,44
crushed gravel1,35
crushed gravel 5-201,43

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Cost and weight of one cube of larch

Products made from Siberian larch wood are ideal for both interior and exterior decoration of country houses, cottages and bathhouses, which is why they have recently become increasingly popular. If you decide to purchase these products, you will probably be interested in the cost and weight of a cube of larch. The fact is that in many respects the quality and timing of the repair depend on how correctly you drew up its plan and calculated the budget. That is why you should worry about making all the calculations in advance.

How much does a cubic meter of larch weigh?

To determine how much 1 cube of larch weighs, you need to know the coefficients of such an important characteristic of its wood as humidity. The fact is that depending on the species and humidity, wood can have different weights. Moreover, even wood of the same species, depending on humidity and dryness, has different weights. Namely, the weight of a cube of dry larch, the humidity of which does not exceed 10-18%, is about 600 kilograms. Air-dried wood with a moisture content of 18 to 23% can weigh 50 kilograms more.

The weight of raw wood, the moisture content of which is 23-45%, weighs 700 kilograms. In turn, if the larch is wet and its humidity exceeds 45%, its weight reaches 900 kilograms. As you can see, the moisture content of wood should be taken into account when purchasing it, since the cost of larch per cubic meter may depend on it.

How much does a cube of larch cost?

If you are interested in how much a cube of larch costs, you definitely need to take into account several important criteria for determining the price. Namely, the price per cube of timber, lining, plank, boards and other larch products largely depends on the region where the tree grows, the quality of processing of the finished products, as well as its weight.

You can buy larch at the best price per cube in our online store. We offer exclusively high-quality and durable products that have undergone careful processing. Therefore, you can be sure that you will buy well-polished building materials from us, which will be very easy for you to install. When processing larch wood products, we do not use harmful varnishes or other products, so they are environmentally friendly and safe for health. Thus, purchasing finishing materials in our online store will be very profitable.


How much does a cube of natural moisture larch weigh? Pine specific gravity

The weight of lumber affects transportation and storage. When constructing timber structures, weight is also important in determining the loads transmitted to the load-bearing members or foundation. However, when selling lumber, it is measured in cubic meters, which causes difficulties.

What affects the weight of lumber?

Let's consider the factors influencing the weight of wooden materials of a given volume:

    Wood type

    . This factor determines the density of the material, since wood of the same species is characterized by similar density values. This indicator already directly affects the weight - the denser the material, the heavier. On average, deciduous trees are denser than coniferous trees, so a cube of oak board is heavier than a cubic meter of pine board.

    So, in front of you is a cube of a board - how much does this or that rock weigh? The weight of wood per cubic meter of lumber is given in the table (kg).


    . Wood is characterized by its ability to accumulate moisture. There are two options: the board was poorly dried and retained its natural moisture, or it was stored in improper conditions. The higher the moisture content of the lumber, the heavier it will be. Therefore, even identical breeds weigh differently. This, by the way, is a way to identify materials that were stored in poor conditions or poorly dried.

    The use of such components in construction is fraught with negative consequences, of which severe shrinkage is not the worst.

    It is also unwise to use such a board in construction.

    Internal defects

    . Similar to the previous point, internal wood defects lead to a decrease in density and weight loss.

Artificial and natural drying

Ideally, lumber should be dried in natural conditions, that is, in a ventilated room with a roof or in the open air under a canopy.

Since dry lumber is in greater demand than material with natural moisture, accelerated drying methods are used. The question of how safe this is for the material remains controversial. There is an opinion that artificial drying leads to too rapid evaporation of moisture, which causes a change in the geometric dimensions of the boards. Due to microscopic damage to the fibers, curvatures and unevenness are formed. In particularly advanced cases, cracks appear.

However, drying using forced air, including warm air, performed without fanaticism, is unlikely to lead to such obvious negative consequences.

The moisture content of the wood should be taken into account when organizing transportation. Let's say you bought dry boards, but during storage they were exposed to rain and did not dry completely. Their weight, naturally, will no longer be the same as upon delivery.

An edged board differs from an unedged board in that its cross-section has the shape of a regular rectangle. This allows you to evenly stack it, pack it into even bundles, and quite

accurately determine the cubic capacity, that is, the volume of packaged materials. If you need to determine the weight of a package, or one cubic meter, it is enough to multiply the volume by the density, which is a reference value and depends on both the type of wood and its humidity, that is, the degree of drying. For the most commonly used wood, you can create a table showing how much a cube of edged board weighs: Type of lumber Weight of one cubic meter, kg Raw pine 890 Dry pine 470 Raw spruce 790 Dry spruce 450 As can be seen from the table, how much does a cube of edged board weigh? Humidity has a very significant effect. This great dependence is due to the fact that it is present in large quantities in the cellular structure, and if it is not dried properly, its rapid evaporation can lead to significant distortions in the geometric shape of the boards and bend them. As a result, it can be argued that the weight of a cubic meter of edged board can be determined by the type of wood, classifying it into one of the categories. Light wood species include pine, fir and other conifers, as well as poplar. Their average density, that is, the weight of a cubic meter fluctuates around the figure of 500 kilograms. Medium species - a cubic meter of ash, beech, birch - weighs about 650 kilograms. Heavy species, such as oak or hornbeam, have a density of more than 750 kilograms per cubic meter.

How much does one edged board weigh?

How much does one edged board weigh? The most frequently asked question in search engines is how much does one cube weigh, and as a result, one edged board. I continue the series of articles devoted to edged lumber. At the insistence of colleagues and regular visitors to the site, I continue the series of articles dedicated to lumber. This article is a continuation of the article “How much does one beam weigh?” We are talking only about pine growing in the territory in the central part of Russia. I’ll immediately make a reservation that pine growing in Siberia has a denser texture, weighs more and costs an order of magnitude more. You can even distinguish it visually, but this is the topic of the next article. The weight of one cubic meter of freshly cut pine and processed into edged lumber is about 860 kg.


With your own hands

Density of wood at different humidity levels

One of the most important factors when organizing timber transportation is the density of the tree.
It is an important indicator when calculating the cost of transportation and selection of a timber truck. The weight of wood can be specific or volumetric. Specific gravity - the mass of a unit volume of wood without taking into account species, moisture and other factors - is 1540 kg/m3. Volumetric weight is the mass per unit volume of wood, taking into account moisture and species. Based on the volumetric weight, the density of the tree can be determined. The density of trees of different species is different. Also, the density of a tree of one species is highly variable, depending on the geographical location and type of forest.

As the moisture content of the wood increases, the density increases. For example, the density of pine at a humidity of 15% is 0.51 t/m3, and at a humidity of 70% it is 0.72 t/m3. According to the degree of humidity, the tree is divided into: absolutely dry (humidity - 0%, only in laboratory conditions), room-dry (humidity up to 10%), air-dry (humidity - 15-20%), freshly cut (humidity 50-100%) , wet (over 100%, when storing wood in water).

Calculator for calculating the volumetric weight of wood.

Table of wood densities of different humidity levels (kg/m3).

Wood speciesHumidity percentage, %
7Norway spruce450460470490520560600640670750740
10White acacia81083084086093099010601190130013301030
13Common ash69071073074080086092093010301150960
14Siberian fir380390400410440470510540570630680
15Scots pine510520540550590640680720760850820
16Caucasian fir440450460480510550580620660730720
17Cedar pine440450460480510550580620660730760


The influence of density on weight category

Density is another important factor affecting the weight of wood. As a rule, iron and ebony have the highest densities, the values ​​of which vary from 1100 kg/m3 to 1350 kg/m3. Closer figures can be provided by boxwood and bog oak - from 950 kg/m3 to 1100 kg/m3. Before calculating how much a cube of oak, beech, pear or hornbeam boards weighs, you should take into account their density, which is approximately 700 kg/m3. Pine and bamboo have the lowest density - 500 kg/m3, and balsa wood has the lowest density - 140 kg/m3.


In addition, for the convenience of calculations, you can use special programs. One of these is the forest cubiter. It will allow you to find out without tables how much a particular breed weighs, based on its basic parameters. Using the software, there is no need to search for the required positions in the table for a long time; it is possible to carry out interpolation. Everything is quite simple. Such programs show the weight of the forest in kilograms per cubic meter.

Often when building with wood, you need to calculate its mass, knowing only the volume or number of standard boards. But in most cases it is impossible to say unambiguously how much a tree weighs.

Weight of softwood lumber: tables and GOST provisions

To begin with, it is worth accepting the fact that coniferous wood is considered lighter than hardwood lumber. In addition, such options are easy to process and have a long service life. They are resistant to rotting due to the large amount of resins, and therefore are often used as a facing material for building facades.

Before calculating the weight of lumber, it is worth considering the basic concepts:

  • Dry wood is a material whose moisture content does not exceed 18%. Such products have already undergone technological processing or have been stored for a long time in a warehouse or other dry room.

Official weight table

  • Air-dry lumber is wood with a moisture content of 19 to 23%. It is distinguished by the fact that it has equilibrium humidity. This definition should be understood as the state of a tree when its humidity is in equilibrium with the same parameter of the ambient air. This characteristic is achieved by long-term storage of products in natural conditions. Lumber with such a moisture level excludes the use of technological drying.
  • Raw wood – has a humidity of up to 45%. This forest is still at the drying stage.
  • Fresh wood - as a rule, such materials are characterized by a humidity of over 45%. These are trees that have been recently cut down or those that have been exposed to water for a long time.

It is worth understanding that determining the specific gravity of a forest is not so simple. At the same time, we can say which breed will be relatively lighter and which will be heavier. Thus, coniferous varieties will be guaranteed to be lighter than deciduous ones, such as oak or beech. But when transporting a significant amount of timber, all sorts of incidents can happen. As a rule, all these nuances relate to the almost unpredictable weight of raw wood due to high humidity. Therefore, this issue is worth dealing with.

Weight of 1 cube of coniferous forest in practice and according to GOST

Depending on the type of wood, 1 m3 of lumber can have a different weight. Thus, coniferous species, especially if they are raw, are characterized by an increase in weight due to resins. The humidity of the forest itself largely depends on the season when the felling was carried out. The conditions of tree development also play a role.

Density diagram

It is worth understanding that there is lumber from the top and bottom of a tree trunk. It is not difficult to guess that the first option will be somewhat easier due to the fact that they initially have high humidity.

Note! Humidity plays a major role in the characteristics of the forest. Raw and dried lumber can have different weights. Sometimes the differences can be almost double.

It is worth considering the provisions of the normative literature. Thus, the current GOST takes 12% as the standard humidity value. Under these conditions, light species rarely leave the 600 kg mark per cubic meter of forest. The lightest among conifers is Siberian fir. The weight of a unit volume of such a breed barely reaches 390 kg. But larch, which is also classified as medium, weighs 660 kg. Thus, it is heavier than birch, but slightly lighter than oak.

Average weight table

However, calculation tables cannot always give a 100% guarantee that a particular timber for a certain volume will weigh as indicated.


In addition, for the convenience of calculations, you can use special programs. One of these is the forest cubiter. It will allow you to find out without tables how much a particular breed weighs, based on its basic parameters. Using the software, there is no need to search for the required positions in the table for a long time; it is possible to carry out interpolation. Everything is quite simple. Such programs show the weight of the forest in kilograms per cubic meter.


Heat transfer from wood

There is another indicator that will allow you to easily determine, for example, how much a cube of dry pine board weighs. This parameter is heat transfer. This indicator is of great importance for those people who use wood as a heating material. It should be noted that thermal conductivity directly depends on the density of the wood species. And the higher the hardness, the higher the thermal conductivity.

Of course, no one will use boxwood as a heating material. However, when choosing between pine or birch, it will be possible to get much more heat if you know which of the species is the hardest. According to the reference tables, you can find out information about the density of each tree.

So, when starting to build a house, you have to deal with nuances that at first glance seem insignificant. However, not all so simple. There are certain indicators that must be taken into account when choosing wood, so as not to make a mistake with the choice and get the desired result from the intended business.

Why is it necessary to know the weight of a cubic meter of wood?

Knowing how much a cube of natural moisture board weighs is sometimes very necessary. After all, when purchasing building material, it is quite problematic for an ordinary person to visually determine the required amount. If you have knowledge in this area, for example, the dimensions of the timber, the appropriate material and the moisture content, then calculating the weight of the purchased product will not be such a difficult task.

If you cannot determine how much a board cube weighs, it is recommended to seek help from the seller, who will help you correctly calculate the required amount.

Practical approaches and techniques

Often information about lumber is used in a specific form. For example, due to the complexity of measuring the characteristics of untreated wood, round timber and unedged boards, as well as for universal comparison of different species, the following indicators are used:

  • volumetric weight, which essentially corresponds to density;
  • specific gravity, showing the ratio of the mass of a cube of wood to a cube of water;
  • void ratios during storage;
  • reference examples.

The first indicator is used most often. The weight of a cube of wood is usually calculated based on the fixed density that a given species has at a known level of its humidity, as described above. This is the standard and most common approach. Thus, at 20% humidity, the volumetric weight of a cube of Scots pine is 450 kg/m³ (0.45 g/cm³), oriental oak is 730 kg/m³ (0.14 g/cm³), and so on.

When storing wood, it is necessary to take into account the void ratio.

Specific gravity is a ratio that applies to both actual cubic capacity and stockpiled wood that has voids. This indicator is convenient for carriers to use for transportation. It also refers to the ratio of the volumetric weight of a particular wood to the volumetric weight of water. Since the volumetric weight of water is 1000 kg, specific gravity is not only a useful tool for comparing the density of different species, but also indicates whether a given wood will sink or not. If the specific gravity of a cube of eastern oak at 20% is 730 kg, this means that it floats quite well, and iron birch at a humidity of 20% and above (1000-1020 kg) will sink.

The void ratio is used for storage. The volume of untreated wood, including freshly cut wood, is difficult to calculate, so the actual volume is calculated from the number of cubic meters multiplied by the void ratio. For example, if during storage only 80% of the space is occupied by wood, then this coefficient is 0.8, and from 20 storage meters you will get 20 * 0.8 = 16 cubic meters of wood.

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