Manufacturing Features When building a boat, it is worth considering that the most significant element of the frame part is
There are methods based on which the beams are fastened together without the use of additional devices.
Let me collect a few options on how to make a round stick, otherwise I’m constantly looking for
Materials science: lecture notes 4. Fungal infections When cutting wood, in some cases fungal infections are found
Any room must be equipped with a ventilation system, since without it unpleasant emissions will accumulate inside.
Wood is one of the most used materials for building houses and making furniture. Co
The forest has always played a prominent role in the life of the peoples of Russia, constituting one of the foundations of material
Deciduous trees decorate not only parks and squares, but also summer cottages. Except birch
The use of natural materials for roofing is one of the most popular solutions. They are able to provide
Artificial finishing materials gradually experienced their boom, and gradually wood began to conquer the market again.