Beautiful Christmas tree decorations made of plywood: we make decorations with our own hands using a jigsaw

It's a wonderful winter time of tangerines, Christmas trees, fireworks and good mood; it's rare to go without decorating your home. On the eve of the New Year, stores are bursting with all kinds of garlands, balls, tinsel and other themed trinkets of varying quality. Of course, most products are very beautiful and are a welcome element of holiday decoration, but not every decoration can be as memorable as something made with your own hands.

In this article, we have collected the most pleasant and original options for cutting crafts. And to make the DIY Christmas crafts made from plywood with a jigsaw a success, we added easy drawings that can make very beautiful decorations, even for a person without special skills.

Christmas tree made of plywood with a jigsaw

A beautiful coniferous tree is one of the main attributes of the winter holidays and the main symbol of the New Year.
Decorated with colorful decorations, the Christmas tree became a source of joy and a warm memory for children of different generations. Today, the image of this wonderful tree is used to make crafts of various shapes and sizes. If you have the tools and material, anyone can cut out a beautiful, festive souvenir according to the drawings presented below. To transfer the printed outline onto the material, you can use carbon paper or a simple glue stick. In the case of the second option, after work you will need to go over the surface with fine-grained sandpaper to remove any remaining paper. To make a plywood tree cut with a jigsaw have a more festive look, it can be covered with stain and a couple of layers of varnish.

Wooden Christmas toys

Wooden toys will not break if dropped, will not be cut by sharp fragments, and do not require special storage conditions. Making them is a great opportunity to create together with your child.

The easiest way to make New Year's toys is to use applique from wooden branches or inexpensive material. For example, draw a snowflake on a round felt base. Glue branches of the required length onto the contours of the sketch. Dry the natural material before working together. If possible, cut off the bark and buds.

Another manufacturing method.

  1. Disassemble the clothespins into two parts.
  2. Remove the metal spring.
  3. Stick the blunt ends into the clay ball to create a flower with wooden petals.
  4. Spray the craft with glitter paint.
  5. Attach a ribbon loop.

Christmas tree and pine cones are good even without processing. The effect is enhanced if you spray silver or gold paint on them. The cones turn into magic lanterns if mother-of-pearl beads are glued between their scales. They sparkle, reflecting the lights of the garland.

Older children and adults can use a jigsaw to cut plywood figures. Such toys require minimal painting, but generous application of varnish or stain.

Another option is burning. Apply the drawing with a pencil, and then process it with a burning tool. As a final step, drill a hole for the ribbon loop.

Christmas tree decorations

The mere presence of a festive tree in the house, on the eve of the New Year, significantly lifts the mood of its inhabitants. A decorated Christmas tree actually creates a holiday, making you temporarily forget about minor adversities and sorrows. The entertaining and creative process of dressing up a prickly beauty brings together different generations of the family in one exciting activity. It’s very nice to decorate green branches with beautiful balls and figures, but it’s even nicer when these decorations are made by yourself. Below are selected drawings with which you can make your own Christmas tree decorations from plywood using a jigsaw. Jewelry created with your own labor will leave much more pleasant memories than those bought in a store, and loved ones will definitely appreciate your efforts for the sake of a common holiday. Just choose the sketch you like, print it on A4 sheet, transfer it to the material and make wonderful Christmas tree decorations from plywood for the joy of your family and friends.

New Year's crafts with drawings

Preparing your home for the winter holidays is a creative matter and there are no clear rules for decorations.
For some, the symbol of the New Year will be Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and gifts, while others will associate this time with fun sledding and fireworks, others will combine parts of the first and second, and others will add something of their own. Everyone has their own idea of ​​the perfect winter celebration, with some memories taking precedence over others. The individual nature of the holiday also applies to the choice of decorations for your home. In order to satisfy the need for beauty for the widest possible range of visitors, we have added all available plywood crafts for the New Year, discarding overly complex or frankly awkward sketches. All the models presented below have a prefabricated structure, so it is important that the grooves in the drawing correspond to the thickness of the material. To ensure that your plywood product is neat and at the same time strong for the New Year, it is recommended to use material 3-5 mm thick. After assembly, the joints can be fixed with PVA glue, removing excess smudges.

Sleigh with reindeer

Fir trees (From what was not included in the first subtitle)

Santa's sleigh

Subtleties that need to be learned to create quality crafts

  1. When attaching transfer paper to plywood, you should position the pins or nails so that you can easily lift the drawing to check the quality of the image.
  2. Lay the thinnest elements along the grain to increase their strength.
  3. When should not move exactly along the lines, but pass next to it, from the outside.
  4. The diameter of the hole should be slightly larger than the nails used to allow them to rotate freely.
  5. You should not drive the nails in completely; you may need to move certain parts to improve the model.

Photos of New Year's crafts

Just an inspiring selection of high-quality holiday products. Look at the following pictures, and perhaps you will have a fresh idea for creating an original craft from plywood for the New Year with a jigsaw, with your own hands. There are no drawings in the models presented below, but they provide food for imagination, which undoubtedly encourages creative exploits.

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