How long does an oak tree live in Russia? How many years do birch, oak and linden live?

Even in children's fairy tales, the expression “hundred-year-old oak” is often found. This particular tree seems to be a classic long-liver. Of course, the life of an oak tree is far from limited to a century, but this is far from a record figure. Moreover, trees that are close and familiar to us can also live for a very, very long time. In this material we will tell you how many years these plants live, and who is the record holder.

♥ ON TOPIC: Why birds are not electrocuted on wires.

Factors affecting the lifespan of a tree

The main factor influencing the lifespan of a particular tree is the botanical species to which it belongs.
For example, fruit trees live the shortest - on the order of several decades. Coniferous and deciduous wild species are real long-livers, because they grow quite successfully for hundreds and even thousands of years (Figure 3). Since the lifespan of different species varies, it makes sense to consider the factors that determine the lifespan of certain tree species.

First, let's look at conifers and find out what factors can affect the duration of their existence:

  1. Soil: coniferous crops adapt much better to growing on poor soils and tolerate harsh climates more easily than deciduous trees.
  2. The nature of the terrain: the strength and direction of the wind depends on this. Accordingly, a pine tree growing on a plain will live much longer than a similar tree in the mountains.
  3. Diseases and pests: can weaken any crop and significantly shorten its lifespan.

In general, conifers live longer than deciduous trees for several reasons. Firstly, they have a very branched root system that can absorb moisture even from the deepest layers of soil. Secondly, they have a special crown shape, thanks to which the tree receives a sufficient amount of sunlight even in a very dense forest. Thirdly, the needles themselves play an important role. Its surface area is small, and each needle is covered with a special waxy coating. Falling to the ground in a dense layer, it helps retain moisture in the soil.

Deciduous trees live less than conifers for the following reasons:

  1. Soil nutrition: representatives of this group are very sensitive to the level of soil fertility and nutrient content in it. Accordingly, a tree will live much shorter on poor soils than on nutritious soil.
  2. Climate: humidity level, average annual temperature, wind strength and direction also play an important role.
  3. Forest density: the more trees are concentrated in one place, the shorter their life expectancy will be. In such cramped conditions, only the strongest specimens can survive.
  4. Location: We are talking about whether the tree grows in a forest or in an urban area. Naturally, in a city with high air pollution, the life expectancy of the crop will be much shorter.

Fruit trees live the least in gardens. But, if the gardener carries out pruning on time, feeds the crops and treats them for diseases and pests, then the lifespan will be several decades.

The question arises: why do forest deciduous trees live so much longer than garden trees? It's very simple: artificially accelerating the growth of fruit crops and stimulating high yields forces the tree to spend all its energy and nutrients on ripening the fruits. Naturally, in such conditions, a culture simply cannot accumulate enough strength for long-term existence.

Landing Features

You can grow mighty oak trees from seeds. Acorns should be sown in the fall or late spring after being stored in a cool, moist place. To do this, it is better to select a whole bed and make holes or furrows in it (as you prefer) with a depth of no more than 7 cm. The seedlings grow up to 12 cm in a few weeks. Acorns have an impressive supply of nutrients, which ensure intensive growth. If the conditions are favorable and care is provided, then after a year or two the young plants can then be transplanted to a permanent place.

It is best to plant pedunculate oak, the signs of which were discussed above, on fertile, non-acidic soils. Since the plant loves light, you need to choose a sunny, open place for it, but without drafts. The fact is that young seedlings can be seriously damaged by sudden gusts of wind or frost.

What affects lifespan

Trees are absolutely defenseless against environmental factors. Evolution has not endowed them with effective means of defense, so people and animals shamelessly use this resource. The biggest risk to birch is, of course, humans. Large-scale deforestation for the construction of houses, furniture, and for use as firewood erases huge areas of birch groves from the face of the earth, and the massive collection of birch sap injures the trees.

To preserve the diversity of species, special areas are created where logging is prohibited and optimal conditions for growing are maintained.

In addition to human factors, there are a number of objective factors that affect the life expectancy of birches:

  1. Exposure to microorganisms, insects, birds, small animals. Peculiar diseases of trees represent parasitism on them by some representatives of wildlife. Options for comfortable and even mutually beneficial coexistence are known, but often the tree is injured, which leads to its gradual decline.
  2. Amount of sunlight. To nourish trees, the sun is vital; it gives strength for growth and development. If a small birch tree is blocked by the branches of a taller fellow, most likely it will not be able to absorb the required amount of light, growth will slow down or stop altogether.
  3. Soil moisture. In addition to the sun, birch needs water, which it receives from precipitation. If there is no rain for a long time, the soil becomes dry, the tree withers and may die. Too much irrigation, river flooding, and swampy soil lead to rot and death of the tree.
  4. Fires and natural disasters have a significant impact on how long birch trees live. Trees are defenseless against these natural phenomena. Fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes sweep away everything in their path, not sparing representatives of the plant world.

Distinctive features of red oak

Most often found on river banks. Does not like stagnant water in the soil. North America, in particular Canada, is considered the birthplace of red oak. Such trees reach a height of 25 meters. Externally, the trunk is slender and smooth. The gray bark darkens and cracks over time. The oak crown is tent-shaped, green with yellowish tints closer to the ground. The leaves are large, sometimes their diameter reaches 25 cm. They have pointed blades. In autumn they turn red and fall off.

The fruits are small, spherical, no more than 2 cm in size. Ripe acorns are red, slightly brown. They ripen by the end of autumn; the first year is a poor harvest. Sustainable fruitfulness – up to 20 years. The tree is frost-resistant, calmly withstands strong winds and bright sun.


Culture is rarely found in the North, feeling most comfortable in areas from the Caucasus to the Urals, in Western Europe, Africa, and some Asian countries. Under natural conditions, the tree prefers to grow on the banks of reservoirs, as it loves moderate humidity, in places with fertile soil.

The crop grows best on moist loams, since on such soils the roots quickly grow both in depth and breadth. It is known that pedunculate oak is a broad-leaved tree, but it is very often found in mixed forests along with conifers. But sometimes you can admire a free-standing mighty tree.

If conditions are unsuitable, then the pedunculate oak tree slows down its development. In this case, the height reaches no more than 30 m.

How to determine the age of an apple tree?

Sometimes gardeners buy a plot with trees growing on it. How to determine the age of the apple tree in this case? After all, maybe it is already so old that soon it will not bear fruit at all, and there is no point in feeding it and other measures related to increasing productivity. The most well-known method is to determine age by rings on a tree cut. But in the case of fruit trees, it will not work - because in this case they will simply die.

Pressler's drill

Using a Pressler drill, you can drill out a fragment of a tree with virtually no harm to it in order to determine its age. By looking at the rings, you can learn not only about the age of the apple tree, but also about the conditions in which it grew. If the size of the rings is wide, it means that the plant was well cared for and the climatic conditions were favorable. Narrow rings indicate periods of drought, attacks by harmful insects, excessive harvests and other negative factors. When counting, you need to distinguish between real and false rings. The former form a closed circle, the latter do not.

You can determine the age of an apple tree by cutting down the oldest branch on it. You need to add two years to these rings - this will be the age of the seedling.

You can look at the rings on the cut of an old tree branch to determine the age of the apple tree.


As strange as it may sound, trees are the witnesses of our history and evolution, therefore, if they could speak, they would make history. Oak, as a type of deciduous tree, is perhaps one of the most common in our region. Everyone knows what they look like: both adults and children. It is impossible to say exactly how many years oaks have existed on our planet, but these trees are already several thousand years old.

Having impressive dimensions, sometimes more than fifty meters in height and two in diameter, they have become full participants in our fairy tales and epics. This type of tree is very useful, it purifies the air well, evaporates a lot of water, has a pleasant aroma, an unusual leaf and fruit - an acorn. And how many medicinal properties this tree exhibits!

As for life expectancy, it is one of the highest in the world. How long does this majestic tree live? Some individuals even live up to 2 thousand years. It's hard to imagine, but it's true. Perhaps, if not for the rapid activity of man, their age would have been even higher. On average, the average city dweller lives to be 300-400 years old. Up to 150 it still grows in height, but its width increases throughout its life. It is by the diameter of the trunk that you can determine how old the tree is. Although this does not apply to all varieties, for example, the petiolate species lives on average only up to the age of one hundred years.

The oldest representative that lives in Europe is the Stelmuzhe oak, shown in the photo, which grows in the village of Stelmuzhe in Lithuania. Today, the age of this centenarian is more than 1500 years, although its height is only 23 meters. At the level of a person’s chest, the diameter of its trunk reaches 4 meters. Today the “old man” lives, he is as green as in his youth, although in 1955 Lithuanian scientists performed an operation on him to remove rot inside the trunk. Today, experts strictly monitor the condition of the old-timer in order to further extend his age.

The oldest trees

Given favorable conditions and appropriate genetic capabilities, some trees can live for thousands of years:

  • Pine Methuselah. The record holder for centenarians is growing in the western United States. Its location is California, National Forest, White Mountains. The tree is located at an elevation - 3000 m above sea level. Its exact location is a mystery. The staff of the reserve protect the tree from tourists who will definitely want to cut off a piece of bark from it or take a photo with it. The old tree needs peace.

Video about long-living trees. Watch an interesting video about the five oldest trees in the world:

Table 4 shows the life expectancy of long-lived trees:

NameAverage life expectancy, years
Cedar pine1200
English oak1000
Silver poplar1000

Trees are priceless - they are the beauty of our planet, clean air and a source of all kinds of benefits. It takes years before a tree grows. The task of man is to increase natural and artificial plantings. When planting trees for a specific purpose - decorative or economic, it is useful to know how many years it will decorate your garden, yard, city, world.

If the construction of a cozy house can be considered an absolute necessity, and the birth of a child can be considered an immediate continuation of the family, then planting trees is akin to some kind of touching eternity... for some of them live several human lives.

So which ones and how many? How to find out? Let's try to answer these questions.

The lifespan of trees, how to determine it?

If you look at a cut of a tree, you can see growth rings. One such tree ring is one year of life.

  • But it also happens that trees that have experienced short-term stress during the growing season can form several rings in a year. On the other hand, in extremely dry or cold weather, not a single growth ring may form in a whole year. When determining the age of stumps, beams, boards, and wooden crafts, scientists often resort to the method of dating wood, comparing in detail the sequences of narrow and wide rings.

Radiocarbon analysis is also used (to determine the age of trees that do not have hollows) - this is the most accurate and expensive method.

If you look closely at a perennial branch, you can find outer growth rings on it, by counting them and adding another year (based on the tree trunk itself), you can determine the age of this tree.

The oldest trees in the world

Despite the fact that coniferous crops live longer than deciduous ones, real long-livers are found in all botanical types. Naturally, the usual apple tree, linden tree or maple tree cannot be included here, but amazing ancient giant trees are found all over the world (Figure 4).

Here are some of them:

  1. Methuselah Pine: This long-lived plant is found in California, USA. Scientists have determined that the pine tree is over 4,500 years old, but it is impossible to see it with your own eyes. The tree grows in a nature reserve, whose employees carefully conceal the secret of its location.
  2. Sequoia General Sherman: also grows in the USA, in Sequoia National Park in California. Its age is estimated at approximately 2500-2800 years. There are always a lot of tourists here, but it is noteworthy that the sequoia continues to grow: every year its trunk increases in girth by 1.5 cm.
  3. Tikko spruce: grows in Sweden. Scientists, using the method of radiocarbon analysis of the roots, have established that its age reaches 9.5 thousand years.

In general, amazing long-lived trees are found all over the world: cedars in Lebanon, cypress in Iran and even chestnut on the slope of Mount Etna in Sicily. The very fact that these plants managed to survive so many years and remain viable to this day is amazing.

Criticism of arguments - questions for alternative history

What were railroads and wooden buildings made of?

If about 200 years ago all the forests were destroyed, then what were railroad ties, buildings, ships, and stoves made of then? My relatives live in the Oryol region - a region not rich in forests, so they have practically no wooden buildings!

Fiction and painting

What about the mention of forests and logging in literature and paintings of the 18th and 19th centuries? Just ignore? Or were these masterpieces created by order of the secret world government in order to erase these events from people's memory? Seriously? Damn it, this theory is so crazy that it’s hard to find words from amazement: global catastrophes, nuclear war - and no traces of these events, except for “young forests” and “soil-covered” first floors of houses...


The petiolate species bears fruit at the age of 30 years. Approximately once every 7 years, fruits ripen on the branches, from which new seedlings then grow.

In the natural environment, acorns, falling in the fall, germinate within 2-3 weeks. In this case, only the root grows, and the shoot itself develops in the spring. The long taproot goes deep into the soil, so soil moisture is important. Then a stem appears, on which small but recognizable oak leaves bloom. A young oak tree looks like a blade of grass, but if the plant gets stronger, over time (it adds 25-30 cm per year) it will turn into a mighty tree.

Collection, processing and storage

Common oak bark for medicinal purposes is harvested mainly during sap flow (April - May), removing it from young branches and thin trunks (up to 10 cm in diameter) in logging sites or thinnings. To remove the bark, ring-shaped cuts are made every 30 cm, which are connected with longitudinal cuts, after which the bark is easily removed. Dry under a shelter with good ventilation. The yield of dry raw materials is 40-50%. Dry bark is packed into bales weighing 100 kg. Store in a dry, well-ventilated area. Shelf life is five years.

Oak fruits (acorns) are collected in the fall under the trees after they fall. Dry in an attic under an iron roof or under sheds with good ventilation, spreading it in one layer on paper or fabric and stirring occasionally. They are dried in ovens, on stoves or in a dryer. Acorns are cleaned of leathery fertilization and seed coat. The raw material consists of individual cotyledons. It is packed in 60 kg bags. Store in dry, well-ventilated areas. The shelf life is NOT set.

The raw materials for obtaining tanning extracts from oak wood are hemp, roots, as well as waste from logging and wood processing industries in the form of logs in Korea or without bark. For tanning hides, oak bark is harvested from young trees (up to 20 years of age). Older trees develop a crust that is completely unsuitable and even harmful when used for tanning. Bark can be harvested at any time of the year, but it is better during the period of sap flow (April - May) during mainly felling and thinning. The bark was removed from the trunks and the branches were dried under a shelter with good ventilation. The relative moisture content of dry bark should not exceed 16%.

How many years do trees live?

All living organisms have their own life span. The same applies to humans, insects, animals and plants. Today we will tell you how long different tree species live.

Walking in the forest or in the garden, hardly any of us thinks about the age of a particular tree. But among them there are or may be centenarians who have lived for hundreds of years, or even a thousand.

The lifespan of a tree depends not only on the type of tree, but also on the climate and living conditions, as well as on care. But this applies more to ornamental and garden crops.

It is clear that a tree that has been growing in Africa for hundreds of years may not survive one harsh winter in the harsh climate of Russia and vice versa.

Economic importance and application

English oak is a timber, medicinal, phytoncidal, food, melliferous, dyeing, fodder, ornamental and phytomeliorative plant.

Oak bark and wood are a source for obtaining one of the best tanning agents. For the tanning industry, oak bark aged 15-20 years is considered the best. Since its bark is an excellent tanning agent, it is used directly as a tanning material, and tanning extracts are produced from the tree. In practice, the bulk of tannins are obtained from waste from the wood processing industry, which usually accounts for at least 20% [3]. Having a large mass, oak wood is one of the main sources for the PRODUCTION of tannins. First-class tanning extracts obtained from oak are the basis of modern tanning PRODUCTION [3].

Oak wood has a beautiful color and texture. It is dense, strong, elastic, preserves well in the air, in the ground and under water, moderately cracks and warps, pricks easily, and is resistant to rot and household fungus.

Strong and durable oak wood has long been used in shipbuilding, the furniture industry, in the construction of mines ("mine stand") and hydraulic structures (bridges, mills), residential buildings, for the PRODUCTION of parquet, sleepers, doors, frames, for the manufacture of rims, runners, plywood and sliced ​​veneer, turning and carving products, parts of horse-drawn carriages: drawbars, shafts, brackets, wheels. Oak wood does not have a special odor; it is used to make barrels for cognac, wine (the tannins contained in oak wood give the drink a unique taste and aroma), beer, alcohol, vinegar, oil [3].

Oak wood is also used to make coffins. The custom of burying the dead in wooden coffins, borrowed by Christianity from the beliefs of the Slavic and other Indo-European tribes, was spread by it throughout almost all of Northern Europe (both Eastern and Western). It has been established that in these areas at one time it was typical to bury the dead in logs, log houses or coffins made from various types of wood, including oak. In this regard, oak wood already acquires a somewhat RITUAL character (hence the comic expression “to give oak”, in the sense of “to pass away”, “to die”). Echoes of these traditions have survived to this day in the usual painting of pine (or other cheap coniferous) coffins “under oak” [12].

Bog oak is especially valued in furniture production. Under the influence of iron salts contained in water, oak wood darkens and becomes stronger.

Non-commercial oak wood is used for firewood and provides excellent fuel with a high calorific value [3].

Common oak is a spring pollen bearer. Bees collect a lot of highly nutritious pollen on it, and in some years they collect nectar from female Tsvetkova. But honeydew and honeydew often appear on oak trees. In cities where oak occupies large tracts, bees collect a lot of honeydew and honeydew, from which they produce honeydew honey, which is unsuitable for winter consumption. To avoid mass death of bees during wintering, such honey is pumped out.

Oak leaves contain the pigment quercetin, which, depending on the concentration, dyes wool and felted products yellow, green, greenish-yellow, brown and black. A light-resistant, durable dye for carpets and tapestry is obtained from the bark [3].

Oak acorns are a highly nutritious feed for domestic pigs. However, there are known cases of poisoning of other domestic animals by acorns (especially green ones). The most sensitive to poisoning are cows (especially dairy cows) and horses, less sensitive are sheep. Single oak trees bear fruit annually; in plantations, abundant fruiting is repeated every 4-8 years, and less often in the north of the range than in the south. Individual trees produce up to 40-100 kg of acorns. The yield of acorns in oak forest is 700-2000 kg/ha [3].

Acorns, containing up to 40% starch, ground into flour, were added to bread during famine years; the bitter taste due to the large amount of tannin limits their food use [3] [13].

Acorns serve as food for many wild animals, including commercial animals; they are also used for fattening domestic pigs [3]. Often livestock are grazed when planting oak trees, which causes great damage to the normal growth and development of young plants.

In the old days, ink was prepared from painful growths on oak leaves caused by gall midges - “ink nuts”.

Oak brooms in a Russian bathhouse will NOT be inferior to birch brooms, or even surpass them.

In medicine

Oak bark (lat. Cortex Quercus) is used as a medicinal raw material. Raw materials are harvested from young shoots during the period of sap flow from April to June. Dry it by spreading it in a thin layer in a well-ventilated area, as well as in the sun [14].

The bark has astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and hemostatic properties. A decoction of the bark is used for rinsing the mouth and throat for gingivitis, stomatitis, sore throat, bad breath and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx, in the form of baths, washes and compresses used for the treatment of burns, frostbite, ulcers and other diseases, for foot baths for sweating feet, for washing bleeding hemorrhoidal nodules, drink for diarrhea, dysentery, poisoning with alkaloids and salts of heavy metals, gastrointestinal bleeding, heavy menstruation [3].

Fresh crushed leaves are applied to abscesses and wounds to heal them.

Dried oak seeds, crushed into powder, are used for bladder disease and diarrhea.

A coffee surrogate is made from acorns, which is not only nutritious, but also a remedy for gastrointestinal diseases, rickets, anemia and scrofula in children. It is also useful for nervous patients and for excessive menstrual bleeding.

In veterinary medicine, oak bark is widely used as a remedy for indigestion.

In green Construction and decorative Gardening

Common oak is used in green construction as an ornamental and phytoncidal plant when creating suburban groves, alleys, curtains, single plantings in parks and forest parks. The following decorative forms of common oak are known: with a pyramidal crown and a form in which the foliage falls 15-20 days later than in ordinary oak.

Common oak is recommended as the main species in forest reclamation plantations, in field-protective forest belts, in anti-erosion plantings along ravines and ravines, and on washed-out soils. It can be planted along irrigation canals, since its root system does NOT drain the canal walls and does not destroy their covering.

Garden forms and cultivars


Oak is a powerful deciduous or evergreen tree belonging to the beech family (genus of shrubs).
For natural growth, the plant requires a temperate climate, so most often it can be found in the Northern Hemisphere, sometimes in high mountain regions. Regardless of the species, all trees have common features. The height ranges from 35 to 50 m. Some specimens reach 60 m. The trunk is very thick, and its bark is rough and covered with deep cracks.

It’s remarkable what oak looks like in autumn. The usual green summer foliage changes to a “clothing” of red, purple, orange, brown, and yellow tones.

Wood reacts strongly to lighting. Its branches are sinuous because they stretch towards the light and change their direction depending on weather conditions.

As for the root system, it is as powerful and well developed as the above-ground part and goes deep into the soil. Giants prefer to grow in nutritious soils. In this case, the humidity should be moderate. But there are representatives who have chosen swampy or arid places.

Flowering occurs in late spring with the dissolution of small bisexual green flowers. Moreover, female flowers contain only a pistil, while male flowers (collected in inflorescences) contain only stamens. Pollination occurs with the participation of insects or wind.

After flowering, a fruit is formed - an acorn of different lengths with a cap, the so-called plus. The shape of the fruit and the appearance of the pluses determine the varietal identity of the oak.

Planting and caring for pedunculate oak

  • Propagation of pedunculate oak is carried out by rooting green cuttings. It is best to use young plants for this.
  • Another good propagation method is to plant freshly harvested acorns.

  • The fruits are collected in the fall and placed in a dark, cool place until spring.
  • Then the pedunculate oak seeds are germinated and transplanted into the soil.

Planting is best done in early spring in a sunny place protected from weather hazards.

The soil should be fertilized with a nutrient mixture of peat, sand and turf.

At high humidity, crushed stone is added to the fertilizer.

When planting, the roots are not buried deeply - they are left at ground level.

Attention! It is very important to actively water the plant and loosen the soil for several days after planting. Urea is usually used as a top dressing.


Pathogenic fungi are considered the main pests of wood . They appear as painful spots. Gradually the leaves die off.

A dangerous oak disease is dropsy - the tree rots from excess moisture and dies.

Also, do not forget about transverse cancer , which affects the trunk and branches of the plant, depriving them of vitality and breaking them.

How long does it take for an oak tree to grow?

The giant oak tree in France, in the hollow of which there is a room with a bench carved directly into the body of the oak tree, is more than two thousand years old. It is precisely because of their age and gigantic size that many oaks have become relics of cities and nations and are under protection. The Tsar Oak, the Kaiser's Oak, the 600-year-old Oak, the Chapel Oak, the Master's Oak have legends about each of them.

Oak is hardy and unpretentious, but despite these properties, oaks do not grow in South America and Australia; in Africa they are found only along the Mediterranean coast.

In Russia, English oak grows with two varieties: summer oak and winter oak, differing in flowering time. Mongolian oak grows in the Far East and Amur region. Sessile oak grows on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, it was customary to decorate the clearings in front of the landowner's house with oaks; oaks were grown in palace and manor parks

Sometimes oak trees are planted to green cities; recently, gardeners have also begun to pay attention to this wonderful plant. Hence the logical question - how many years does an oak tree grow until the moment when it allows you to admire its beauty and grace?

It’s a long time, but if you have the opportunity and space to plant an oak tree, be sure to plant it, and even if you don’t manage to admire the fruits of your labor, you will leave a memory of yourself for many generations.

At ten years, the oak tree you planted will outgrow the medium-sized fruit trees in your garden - apple and pear trees; at 20 years, the first acorns may appear on it, although oaks usually reach fruiting age at 40 years. Don’t be surprised, for an oak tree 450 years is the age, as they would say about a man at the dawn of his strength. The oak bears fruit with acorns approximately once every 4 years, but the oak is grown not because of the acorns, but for the strength and wisdom that it gives to its owners and this is not an allegory.

Plant the oak tree away from your home so that it doesn’t turn out like in this photo.

An oak tree in the body of which there is a chapel - France.

The soil for planting oak can be different; the density and strength of the wood and its durability depend on it. And oak can grow on sand and stones, along river banks, in lowlands in swamps and in elevated places, among bogs. The main thing is that the planted seedling is not burned by the sun, and the roots do not get wet in water in the first years of its life. Typically, oak grows up to 40 meters in height and up to 1.5 meters in width. The crown of the oak tree is gigantic, matching its height, so take care that in the future it does not damage your home and nearby buildings.

Main types

The number of oak species around the world is enormous. According to various sources, their numbers range from 450-600.

Russian varieties

Let's look at the varieties of oak trees that most often grow in Russian regions.

English oak

In addition to the Russian Federation, the species can also be found in Western European countries. And it is he who is the long-liver. Among the distinctive features are: resistance to winds, prolonged drought and large temperature changes.

Specimens that grow singly, as they say “in the field,” grow up to 50 m in height. But in the vicinity of other oaks their height is slightly lower. In addition, due to its light-loving nature, the crown, formed by foliage 15 cm in length, is located at the top of the trunk. As for soils, trees prefer fertile lands.

Chestnut oak

It is very difficult to find this species on the territory of Russia, only in artificially created parks and deciduous forests, since as a result of uncontrolled cutting down for construction, the plant is listed in the Red Book. Distinctive features are a long trunk, reaching 30 m in length, at the top of which there is a tent-shaped crown with triangular-shaped leaves and pointed edges.

The special value of wood lies in wood of increased hardness and frost resistance.

Big anther oak

The variety is found in the south of the Caucasus in mountainous regions. Most often in artificially created parks. The tree grows very slowly in height. The crown is formed by short leaves with blunt blades. The length of the foliage reaches 8 cm. The plant loves light and has high resistance to frost and dry weather.


The tree is very attractive in appearance. Oak has received recognition from designers for its decorative properties.

As a rule, it is planted in plots as a tapeworm or in alleys in the form of an array. The plant develops well in partial shade. A distinctive feature of the variety is its foliage. It has an elongated shape and grows up to 20 cm in length. The color of the crown is also interesting. In summer it is dark green. But with the arrival of leaf fall, its color changes to bright brown.

Gartvis Oak

It is also known as Armenian oak. His homeland is the Western part of the Caucasus. The plant likes to grow in moist, moderately shaded places with fertile soil and a fairly warm environment.

It is precisely because of the conditions and climate where oak grows that it is impossible for it to exist in cold areas. In addition, he does not tolerate winter very well.

The foliage is obovate in shape with semi-oval lobes. After flowering, acorns form on long stalks.

Mediterranean and Europe

No less interesting specimens grow in these regions.


This variety is a valuable cork plant, reaches 20 m in height, grows slowly and is an evergreen. It mainly grows in parks and alleys. Despite the fact that the plant loves moisture, it is resistant to drought. The crown is formed from oval-shaped leaves up to 6 cm long. In addition, they have a downy base and a shiny surface. The fruit is represented by a small acorn, strongly seated in a plus.


This is the main area of ​​parkland and forests. The plant is shade- and heat-loving and prefers to grow in places with moderate humidity. The foliage has distinctive features. It is located on petioles 2 cm long. Female oak flowers are on a short stalk. The same goes for acorns.

Fluffy oak

This specimen looks like a tall bush, reaching a height of 10 m. It prefers to grow on dry and limestone lands, and in a natural environment. Therefore, it is almost impossible to grow it. If oak is used in landscape compositions, then as a background. The tree lends itself well to pruning; you can shape the crown at your own discretion.

The name of the oak came from its appearance: everything, from branches and foliage to acorns, is covered with felt fluff.


In the American regions, the species is represented by the following specimens.

Red oak

A very beautiful representative, notable not only for its size (it reaches a height of 30-50 m and a diameter of up to 1 m).

The oak tree has a very beautiful crown color. At the moment of dissolution, the foliage has a red base. In summer its color is bright green. But with the onset of autumn it changes to bright brown or crimson.

It is for its bright appearance that oak began to be often used in landscape design. All other characteristics are similar to ordinary Russian copies.


Otherwise known as boreal. Its homeland is the regions of North America. In appearance, the oak is similar to the “red” variety. The crown and leaves are ovoid in shape. The leaves grow up to 25 cm in length and turn a beautiful bright red color with the onset of autumn. The only difference is the trunk. It does not crack and harden as much, so it is somewhat smoother in appearance than other oaks. Due to its beauty, the plant is most often planted in park areas.

Holm oak

This variety has its own characteristics:

  • it is an evergreen plant;
  • has a large trunk in circumference, all riddled with cracks;
  • the bark is colored gray;
  • the crown is spreading, with sparse branches;
  • the foliage is small, reaching 8 cm in length;
  • a distinctive feature is a white or yellow backing, in some cases covered with lint;
  • you can form a crown;
  • has its own subspecies.

In addition, the plant is completely undemanding to light and can grow on any soil.

Large-fruited oak

This specimen prefers damp places, so it can be found near bodies of water or in rainy regions. You can recognize it by its wedge-shaped, elongated leaves with 5 pairs of lobes. In spring, the blossoming foliage is colored silver. It looks like there is some kind of coating on it. Subsequently, the color changes to a rich green with shine. In this case, the underside turns slightly white. The oak tree got its name from its fruits. Its acorns are very large (about 5 cm in length) and are located on short stalks. The strip covers the fruit up to half.


Looking at a tree, you might think that it is a willow. The fact is that the plant has a leaf shape that is unusual for all oaks. It is oblong, narrow and reaches a length of 12 cm. In autumn, the foliage acquires a matte yellow color. The plant has no requirements for habitat and soil. Often found in deciduous forests and planted in parks.

White oak

The homeland of the variety is the eastern regions. The plant, in principle, has no soil requirements, but develops best on nutritious, limestone and well-drained soil. Its dimensions reach 30 m in height. The crown is spreading, powerful, tent-shaped, formed by oblong-oval leaves. The latter have up to 9 “blunt” blades and grow up to 22 cm in length.

The color of the crown is extremely beautiful. Immediately after dissolution it is bright red. With the arrival of summer, it turns into bright green above and whitish-gray below. And in autumn the foliage turns violet-purple or dark red. The trunk is covered with light gray bark, which is not very susceptible to cracking. After flowering, acorns up to 2.5 cm in length are formed, ¼ hidden by the plus. The plant tolerates drought well and is somewhat sensitive to frost. It is developing well. Often planted in alleys. It can grow alone or in a group with other trees.

Swamp oak

The “giant” grows in the eastern zone of North America. Prefers “wet” soils with poor drainage, loams, clay soils (substrate and high concentration of lime are unacceptable). Therefore, it can often be found along river banks, streams, and wet meadows. Oak loves warmth, prefers to grow in sunny places, tolerates partial shade well, and tolerates frost and wind well. Looks good in alleys or next to other trees.

The plant grows very slowly, reaches 25 m in height and 10-15 in width. The crown is pyramidal in shape. The trunk is covered with light green bark, which remains smooth for a long time. The foliage grows up to 12 cm in length and has several well-defined lobes. The color of the leaves is bright green, with the underside being somewhat lighter. Hairiness is observed near the corners of the veins. In autumn, the color changes to bright purple. The fruit is represented by a small acorn (up to 1.5 cm), one third hidden by the plus.

English oak on a summer cottage - video

Some trees decorate our planet for only a few decades, others live for thousands of years. As the environment deteriorates, the lifespan of trees decreases. Let's find out how long trees of different species live and how to determine their age.

Knowledge base

NameHeight, mLife expectancy, years
Homemade plum6–1215–60
Gray alder15–20 (25)*50–70 (150)
AspenUp to 3580–100 (150)
Mountain ash4–10 (15–20)80–100 (300)
Thuja occidentalis15–20More than 100
Black alder30 (25)100–150 (300)
Birch warty20–30 (35)150 (300)
Smooth elm25–30 (35)150 (300–400)
Balsam fir15–25150–200
Siberian firUp to 30 (40)150–200
Common ash25–35 (40)150–200 (350)
Apple tree wild10 (15)Up to 200
Common pearUp to 20 (30)200 (300)
Rough elm25–30 (40)Up to 300
Norway spruce30–35 (60)300–400 (500)
Scots pine20–40 (45)300–400 (600)
Small-leaved lindenUp to 30 (40)300–400 (600)
Beech25–30 (50)400–500
Siberian cedar pineUp to 35 (40)400–500
Prickly spruce30 (45)400–500
European larch30–40 (50)Up to 500
Siberian larchUp to 45Up to 500 (900)
Common juniper1–3 (12)500 (1 000)
Common falsesugaUp to 100Up to 700
European cedar pineUp to 25Up to 1,000
Yew berryUp to 15 (20)1 000 (2 000–4 000)
English oak30–40 (50)Up to 1,500
Baobab18-251000 (5500)

* The height and lifespan of trees in particularly favorable conditions are indicated in parentheses.

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↑ show compact

  1. For the conventionality of indicating the class of dicotyledons as a superior taxon for the group of plants described in this article, see the “APG Systems” section of the article “Dicotyledons”.
  2. Neishtadt M.I. Identifier of plants in the middle zone of the European part of the USSR. Manual for secondary school. – M.: GUPI MP RSFSR, 1954. – P. 169-171. – 495 p.
  3. ↑ Go to: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Gubanov I. A. et al. Wild useful plants of the USSR / resp. ed. T. A. Rabotnov. – M.: Mysl, 1976. – P. 95-97. – 360 s. – (Reference books for geographers and travelers).
  4. Serbin A.G. et al. Medical botany. Textbook for university students. – Kharkov: NUPh Publishing House: Golden Pages, 2003. – P. 134. – 364 p. – ISBN 966-615-125-1.
  5. French scientists deciphered the oak genome for the first time in world practice // TASS May 15, 2015.
  6. Le génome du chêne séquencé // INRA, 10.5.2015 (French)
  7. English oak (summer, common) – Quercus robur
  8. Semerikov L.F. Population structure of woody plants using the example of oak species in the European part of the USSR and the Caucasus / resp. ed. S. A. Mamaev. – M.: Nauka, 1986. – P. 48. – 140 p.
  10. Karatygin I.V. Orders Tafrinaceae, Protomyaceae, Exobasidiaceae, Microstromaceae. – St. Petersburg. “Science”, 2002. – P. 40. – (Identifier of mushrooms of Russia). – ISBN 5-02-026184-X.
  11. Gvozdyak R.I., Yakovleva L.M. Bacterial diseases of forest tree species / Responsible. ed. Bila V.I.; Institute of Microbiology and Virology named after. D.K. Zabolotny Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. – Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1979. – P. 28-36. – 244 p. – 850 copies.
  12. Yatsenko-Khmelevsky A. A., Kobak K. I. Anatomical structure of wood of the main forest-forming species of the USSR / Leningrad. forestry acad. them. S. M. Kirov. – L: RIO LTA, 1978. – P. 26-27. – 64 s. – 1000 copies.
  13. The Oxford Companion to Food / Alan Davidson, Tom Jaine. – Oxford University Press, 2014. – pp. 197-198. – ISBN 978-0-19-104072-6.
  14. Blinova K. F. et al. Botany-pharmacognostic dictionary: business. allowance / Under (inaccessible link) ed. K. F. Blinova, G. P. Yakovleva. – M.: Higher. school, 1990. – P. 186. – ISBN 5-06-000085-0.
  15. According to this EOL. See Body Card.
  16. Oak grove in the vicinity of the village of Shemakha, Website of the information and analytical system “Specially Protected NATURAL Areas of Russia”.

The oldest pine trees in the world

All long-lived specimens found by scientists are protected by law. According to world research, the oldest representatives of pine are known today:

Species nameAge, g.Location of discovery (US state)
Spinous intermountain5069California
Spinous intermountain4862Nevada
Spinous intermountain4850California
Balfour pine2118California
Soft pine1678New Mexico

Coniferous plants are decorative all year round; they have the property of purifying the air from gases. All that is needed to grow a crop is to provide conditions close to the natural environment.

Tree height growth rate

Typically, living things, including us, have a period of active growth when they are young, but as they age, growth slows down or stops altogether. The growth rate of trees in height has the same character. After a period of active growth in height, the growth rate of the tree decreases, and it begins to gain weight due to the trunk and side shoots. The figure shows the general nature of the relationship between the height of most trees and its age. The schedule is divided into three phases. 1 is the initial phase of slow growth, followed by a phase of rapid growth - 2. When the tree approaches a certain height, the growth rate drops - phase 3. Of course, time and height values ​​will vary for each individual tree depending on the species and environmental conditions.

The general nature of the dependence of the height of most trees on age

Different types of trees grow at different rates. Depending on the growth rate, trees are usually divided into groups. In tables 1 and 2, trees are divided into groups depending on the tree's growth rate per year. Trees gain such growth rates during the active phase (between the ages of 10 and 30 years).

Very fast growing

Fast growing

Moderately growing

Table 2: Slow-growing trees

Slow growing

Very slow growing

growth 0.25-0.2 m

Siberian cedar pine

Dwarf forms of deciduous trees (Dwarf willows)

Dwarf forms of conifers (Obtuse cypress)

How can you see tree rings?

In trees, growth rings can be seen in the transverse cuts of trunks.

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When is it necessary to uproot old trees?

Despite the fact that coniferous crops live longer than deciduous ones, real long-livers are found in all botanical types. Naturally, the usual apple tree, linden tree or maple tree cannot be included here, but amazing ancient giant trees are found all over the world (Figure 4).

Here are some of them:

  1. Methuselah Pine: This long-lived plant is found in California, USA. Scientists have determined that the pine tree is over 4,500 years old, but it is impossible to see it with your own eyes. The tree grows in a nature reserve, whose employees carefully conceal the secret of its location.
  2. Sequoia General Sherman: also grows in the USA, in Sequoia National Park in California. Its age is estimated at approximately 2500-2800 years. There are always a lot of tourists here, but it is noteworthy that the sequoia continues to grow: every year its trunk increases in girth by 1.5 cm.
  3. Tikko spruce: grows in Sweden. Scientists, using the method of radiocarbon analysis of the roots, have established that its age reaches 9.5 thousand years.

Figure 4. The oldest trees in the world: 1 – Methuselah pine, 2 – General Sherman sequoia, 3 – Tikko
spruce Trees are the lungs of our planet, which is why it is so important to preserve green spaces as much as possible. Unfortunately, sooner or later any tree ages and dries out irrevocably, and it has to be uprooted

Of course, owners of private houses try to keep trees alive for as long as possible by carrying out anti-aging pruning and proper care. But, if these procedures do not help, it is better to cut down the old trunk and plant a new young tree instead.

Foresters do much the same thing: they cut down only completely dry trees, and annually replenish the green spaces with new specimens. This is the only way to preserve a green forest and get rid of possible problems in the form of diseases that old trees can cause.

Application of wood

English oak is of great economic importance. It is used in all sorts of ways:

  • wood;
  • tanning;
  • fight against protozoa;
  • food industry;
  • animal feed;
  • landscape design.

The tree is an excellent honey plant. Barrels for alcoholic beverages are made from oak wood. Since ancient times, coffins have been made from them. This is where the expression “to give an oak” came from, that is, to die and end up in an oak coffin.

In medicine, tree bark is used in the form of decoctions. They are used to rinse the mouth for sore throat and stomatitis. The product helps with skin diseases, dysentery, diarrhea, and poisoning.

A coffee substitute is made from acorns. The drink has nutritional and medicinal properties. It can be given to children, especially with anemia, rickets, and stomach problems. An infusion of bark or acorns helps with heavy menstrual bleeding.

If desired, you can create a bonsai from common oak. The tree can grow at home.

How many years do oak and birch trees live?

Many people who love to relax in nature, walk through the forest or just sit in the park, pay attention to the huge, tall trees. The most common question that arises is how many years do trees live?

Some of the most beautiful and mysterious are oak and birch groves. Walking past massive oaks or slender and tall birches, do you think how many years do trees live?

Mysterious oak

Walking through the oak grove, you pay attention to the mystery of these trees. The question involuntarily arises in your head about how many years an oak tree lives

It is one of the common trees in the northern hemisphere and belongs to the Beech family. There are legends about this mighty tree. Even in ancient Greece, oak groves were called the habitat of the goddess of fertility Demeter and the beneficial properties of oak were noted. For example, oak bark has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties and is used in folk medicine. Oak fruits - acorns - are rich in such a useful substance as quercetin, and are used to relieve swelling, inflammation, spasms, and also have excellent antioxidant properties. Oak is a very durable material, which is why it is used in the manufacture of household furniture, wine barrels and various artistic items. Oak, like many other trees, has its own types. In total there are about 600 species of oaks. The most common are petiolate, jagged and rocky. Regardless of the type, the tree can reach a height of 20 to 40 meters, and the trunk circumference can be up to 9 meters.

How many years does an oak tree live?

Walking past old oak trees, you wonder how many years do trees with such powerful trunks live? The average lifespan of an oak tree does not depend on the type of tree and is 300–400 years. But there are rare cases where trees live up to 2000 years. For example, the Mamre oak, located in Palestine, is about 1900 years old. Christians consider it a holy tree. According to the Bible, Patriarch Abraham received God under this tree. The Stelmuz oak grows in Lithuania; it is considered the oldest oak tree in Europe; according to some sources, its age is 2000 years.

Beautiful birch

Besides oak, one of the most common trees in the northern hemisphere is birch. It belongs to the deciduous genus, the Birch family. It occupies one of the first places in beauty; its graceful white trunk attracts with its stream of emanating light. Birch occupies a special place in the culture of Slavic, Finnish and Scandinavian ancient tribes. For example, among the Slavs this tree protects and protects from evil spirits. Birch is famous not only for its beauty, but also for its benefits and healing properties. Birch sap, which is collected in early spring, has a large amount of minerals and is beneficial for humans. Birch buds contain a large amount of essential oil, so they are used as a diaphoretic and blood purifier. Birch is the main raw material for producing charcoal, which is used in everyday life; in addition, durable wood is obtained from birch. In total, about 120 species of birch trees are known. The most common is downy birch; in addition, yellow and weeping birch are often found. These species reach an average of 25–30 meters in height and up to 80 centimeters in diameter. Walking through a birch grove and admiring such beauties, you inevitably wonder how many years trees live?

How many years do birch trees live?

This type of tree grows in almost all regions of the northern hemisphere, and therefore it is important to know how many years the trees live. Birch, unlike oak, lives as long as it is prescribed by a certain species

The average life expectancy of a fluffy and weeping species is approximately 100 years. In turn, the life period of yellow birch reaches 150 years.

Use of oak

Oak is a valuable tree, people use:

  1. Wood for the construction of underwater and land objects, ships.
  2. The bark of the cork oak tree is removed and used to make bottle caps. Moreover, the action can be performed repeatedly over a period of 8-12 years.
  3. Holm oak produces sweet acorns, which are eaten, used to make coffee, and for livestock feed.
  4. The most expensive mushrooms grow under oak trees - truffles, thanks to the symbiotic relationship of root systems.

Sources: https://xn—-dtblihagxczul4i .xn--p1ai/%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%BE-%D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0% B5%D1%82-%D0%B4%D1%83%D0%B1/

Long-lived trees

Of course, the longest-livers in this series are oak trees, which live 400 years or more, up to 1,500 years. But it is no coincidence that coniferous species are considered the record holders. All thanks to their unpretentiousness, these trees grow in any soil. An ordinary pine can live 400-500 years, like juniper, and spruce - 500-600, cedars - up to 1,000 years, bristlecone pine - over 5,000 years. Giant trees are also among the long-livers. Thus, baobab and yew can live up to 4,000 years, as can sequoiadendron (mammoth tree). Several such trees have been found in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California, whose age exceeds 3,000 years.


Human life lasts longer than most living organisms on the planet. But we are no match for trees. They grow and develop much more slowly, which allows them to exist for centuries and millennia. Just think, trees that lived during the times of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome have been preserved on Earth; we will leave, and these plants will be able to see a future unattainable to us.

Lifespan of trees

The lifespan of trees depends on their species and growing conditions. Some of them are capable of growing for hundreds of years, the lifespan of others is limited to decades, and below is a table of the lifespan of trees, as well as information about the lifespan of their individual species.

Lifespan of trees, oak

The phrase “hundred-year-old oak” has been known to every person since reading children's fairy tales. Indeed, the pedunculate or summer oak (Quercusrobur), widespread throughout Europe, lives up to 1500 years and this is a real life expectancy record among Russian trees.

Birch lifespan

The birch is considered a symbol of Russia, but its growing area is much wider: from France to Altai. The most common type of birch (Betula Verrucosa) or weeping birch. On average, birch grows for 100-150 years, but under favorable conditions it can live up to 200-300 years.

Lifespan of trees, pine

Pine is a very common tree in the European forests of Russia and the taiga. More than 20% of the forested area of ​​the former USSR is occupied by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), which has a lifespan of only 300 years. “Only” because other types of pine trees - European pine (Pinuscembra) and Siberian pine (Pinussibirica) live a little longer - 1000 and 500 years, respectively.

Maple lifespan

Several types of maples grow on the territory of Russia and their life span is different. So the white maple (sycamore) can live for several centuries, but the ash-leaved maple brought from North America lives only up to 100 years.

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