How to defeat mice in a frame house and prevent them from appearing

Frame technology has a drawback (which, however, can be prevented at the stage of laying the foundation). These are mice. The walls in the frame are usually filled with fairly light insulation, which is not a barrier for mice, and they can live and breed there comfortably. Let's look at how to prevent rodents from appearing in a frame house or how to deal with them if such a misfortune does happen to you.

Ultrasonic generators

What to do if the house has already been built, and despite all the preventive actions, it is still attacked by rodents?
There are many proven ways to eliminate mice, among which a very effective and environmentally friendly method is the use of ultrasonic repellers. These are devices whose operating principle lies in the emission of sound waves that are not audible to the human ear. At the same time, rodents clearly hear an unpleasant sound, which forces them to leave the area of ​​influence of the device. Such devices are effective not only against mice - installing an ultrasonic repeller can also rid an area of ​​larger rodents - rats, moles and other pests. Having a cat in the house, or better yet several, can help prevent the appearance of small pests. Everyone knows with what pleasure hunter cats exterminate rodents. Indeed, even the smell of a predator repels rodents. But this doesn't always work. You may come across a cat that will live in the same territory with mice in complete harmony, without causing them any harm. Natural enemies of small rodents are weasels and stoats. Several of these domesticated animals can quickly clear a house of mice.

Ultrasound sources

Modern methods include ultrasound generators, which repel rodents during operation. It is worth saying that such devices have a controversial reputation, since the Internet knows many stories about how rodents calmly walked next to a working ultrasound generator and did not pay any attention to it.

For the most part, this is due to low-quality ultrasonic generators that have flooded the domestic market. Therefore, if you still decide to buy such a device, be sure to choose a high-quality model from a brand with a good reputation.

Note! Ultrasonic generators affect not only rodents, but also pets. Therefore, these two methods do not combine well with each other.

Disadvantages of frame houses

Naturally, there are also disadvantages in frame-type structures. Even at the design stage, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection of materials used. Thus, an attempt to save money can lead to the use of low-quality Chinese materials, for example, OSB-3 boards. In the manufacture of such boards, phenol-formaldehyde resins are used as a binder. If the formaldehyde emission class is E2 or more, then this substance will actively evaporate into the air in the room, which poses a danger to human health. Materials with zero emission class are considered safe.

Mineral short-fiber wool and low-quality basalt wool are a source of carcinogenic dust. Thus, the correct selection of materials used in construction will guarantee a high-quality and healthy life for people living in a frame house.

In addition, frame houses are classified as wooden. This indicates an increased fire hazard. This drawback can be eliminated by using fire-resistant materials: special plasterboard, fireproof panels made of SML, DSP. The beams from which the frame is made must be impregnated with fire-resistant impregnations. Expanded polystyrene is selected class G1 or G2. The disadvantages include the low vandal resistance of such houses. The walls of a frame house can be destroyed by one person using a chainsaw, which cannot be done with stone walls. In addition, the materials of the frame and other structural elements are defenseless against attack by small pests - mice, rats. This seemingly insignificant fact can make a person’s life in the house absolutely unbearable. Rodents gnaw holes and tunnels in the insulation material, destroy expanded clay and glass wool, and can live in the walls of a frame house for a long time. This problem is especially relevant when low-quality foam plastic was used as insulation during the construction of the house.

Reasons for rodents entering a frame house

In order to develop effective control methods, you need to understand the motives of the animals. Perhaps then it will be easier to fight them.

The most important reason is the search for food. Rodents especially favor various cereals, which attract pests as if with a magnet.

The second is finding a warm place to live. If you live in an area where winters are quite cold, then rest assured that with almost one hundred percent probability you have small neighbors.

Frame houses are an easy target for rodents. They happily live inside walls and under the floor. They are especially happy about the insulation. The latter is laid between the drywall and the walls. Mice make their own burrows in it and live there happily.

Other methods

The struggle between humans and rodents has been going on for many centuries. People are constantly coming up with new ways to protect their home and property from damage by pests. So, burnt wooden blocks and branches are placed under the floor covering. The smell of burnt wood repels mice. In addition, you can use other aromatic repellers - pine, mint, tobacco, added to the insulation. Red hot pepper is poured around the perimeter of the house and, if possible, into the walls. It is also known that rodents do not tolerate the smell of burning wool. The old method is to put a piece of wool in an old unnecessary saucepan, make several holes in the saucepan and set the wool on fire, then place this container in the basement. The smell of smoke will slowly spread throughout the house, driving the pests away.

Although the concept of building a frame house is not new at all and has been familiar for centuries, this method of construction has become especially famous in recent years. Firstly, the growing need for affordable and high-quality personal housing and, secondly, the emerging manufacturing technologies of current building manufactories make it possible to produce a frame house with high-quality and environmentally friendly

Chemical substances

The most effective way to control small rodents, insects and other pests in the house and garden is poison. The method is not entirely humane, but it allows you to solve the problem very quickly. Such products are available in a variety of forms. These can be solid briquettes, dough briquettes, poisoned grain, granules, which retain their poisonous properties for quite a long time. In addition, the cost of drugs offered on the market varies greatly, which allows you to choose the most suitable remedy.

The poison, entering the rodent’s body along with the bait, causes the death of the animal, even if the amount of the substance was very small

This method requires caution, since when working with toxic substances there is a risk of poisoning yourself. Therefore, you need to work with poison with gloves and, preferably, in old unnecessary clothes, which you can then simply throw away

The poison must be located in places that are difficult to reach for the inhabitants of the house, so that no one in the household can get poisoned. Pets should also be carefully protected. Before you begin, carefully read the attached instructions, description of the product, and evaluate your capabilities.

There is one point that can cause trouble for the residents of the house. If a mouse that has eaten poison crawls into a hard-to-reach place before dying. In this case, it will rot, emitting an unpleasant odor for a long time. You will have to look for the source of the smell, open the floor or dismantle the walls.

Insulation and rodents is there a solution?

Let's be clear right away - most modern floor insulation materials really don't eat mice, but at the same time they live quietly in them. And they also build nests in soft ones.

Fun fact: Mice's teeth grow throughout their lives. Moreover, if the mouse does not constantly chew something, then these teeth will grow into its upper jaw. Therefore, gnawing is a daily need for this animal. And the mouse can even sharpen concrete walls.

Oddly enough, mice are especially often found in polystyrene foam. Moreover, they gnaw on it - but not with the goal of getting enough, but with the goal of building comfortable nests in it. And therefore, manufacturers recommend insulating walls and floors with ecowool, which is looser and creates an antiseptic environment. But mice also gnaw on it, although not so willingly.

After all, as practice shows, mice can live under the floor in ecowool, foam plastic, and almost any other insulation. Even in glass wool! However, it is worth noting that it is very difficult, almost impossible, for a mouse to chew through ordinary plywood and OSB boards. All because of the structural features of her teeth. Like slabs that have a layered structure with wood chips directed in different directions.

The secret of the survival of these animals in any conditions is their extreme unpretentiousness. That’s why they gnaw holes for themselves in anything, in a word.

What harm do rodents cause?

Mice, rats and other rodents can easily enter a frame house without certain protective measures. By doing this, they not only frighten the owners, who are afraid or disdain such guests, but also cause harm. Destruction can occur in any corner of the home. They chew through concrete or wiring, a wide variety of objects in the house. Often pests destroy winter supplies or other food.

If mice settle in basements, where it is usually damp and dark, they will begin to actively reproduce. In this case, dealing with their huge number is even more difficult. The most dangerous thing is that rodents are carriers of dangerous infectious diseases, for example, cholera, various intestinal diseases, and leptospirosis. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of them as soon as possible, and for this we will familiarize ourselves with the methods of dealing with mice.


In conclusion, let’s put the emphasis correctly. The frame house, with all its advantages and unusually beautiful architecture, is an ideal home and habitat for rodents. To prevent this, it is necessary to take care of adequate protection even at the stage of design and construction of the building, paying due attention to every moment.

Even if all the subtleties, requirements and nuances have been met, the likelihood that they will not appear is very small. But in this case, you shouldn’t be upset; there are effective methods for ridding frame houses of these annoying and dangerous creatures.

Basic methods of protecting frame houses from rodents

  1. Ecowool
    used as insulation, laid in the floors of the lower floor, will protect against mold, mildew, insects and rodents. Ecowool, consisting of 80% recycled cellulose and 20% a mixture of boric acid and borax, is an excellent antiseptic for wood and repels insects and rodents.
  2. Borax or lime solution
    that can be used to treat building blocks.
  3. An old method of fighting rodents, which our ancestors have long used: adding ash, slag, tobacco dust, dry mint or wormwood to the insulation.
  4. Mechanical protection
    : a monolithic reinforced concrete slab laid in the foundation will become a reliable barrier for rodents. You can use a cheaper option: fine-mesh metal mesh, laid in places where rodents can enter.

Let's take a closer look at how you can protect your home from rodent infestations.

Insulation against rodents

First of all, you should not use cheap insulation materials such as polystyrene foam. Its choice is usually due to its low cost, but polystyrene foam, although it has good thermal insulation properties, cannot provide protection against rodents. The best option, as indicated above, is ecowool. It will serve as excellent protection against any biological aggression and will protect against the appearance of mold, mildew, insects and rodents. At the same time, it is completely safe for humans, its components are non-toxic and non-volatile, and cannot enter the human respiratory system with dust. In addition, it has excellent thermal and sound insulation characteristics.

The peculiarity of ecowool is that it is produced as a building material not in the usual rolls or mats, but in a loose form. Its installation requires special equipment and some professional skills. On the other hand, the method of laying it - blowing it out - allows you to avoid leaving cracks and voids.

Expanded clay floor will protect against rodents

Expanded clay is an insulating material obtained from baked clay. Used for quick backfilling, including when installing floors. In order to protect against the appearance of rodents, a layer of expanded clay of at least 30 cm is required. Expanded clay is laid on the soil and covered with plastic film. Two layers of OSB-3 are laid on top. Oriented strand board is impregnated with synthetic wax and boric acid, which should repel rodents. Another layer of expanded clay is laid on the OSB and the subfloor is ready.

Metal grid

A fine-mesh metal mesh with 5x5 mm cells can be laid along the subfloor or lined underneath it. Another option for using the mesh would be to wrap the base. In this case, the height of the mesh should be at least one meter; the mesh is placed under the casing of the base. Another metal protection method is covering the foundation with a profiled sheet.

Preventing rodents from appearing in a private home is much easier than fighting them by trying to get them out.

How to protect a building from rodents

One of the most serious dangers that await wooden houses is an infestation of rodents.

This applies not only to timber and log buildings, but also to frame buildings: mice and rats make passages in the insulation, destroying the wall; in addition, if measures are not taken, their number will increase over time. One vole mouse can produce up to 600 pups in a year, and such an invasion can cause a lot of inconvenience for residents.

How to protect a wooden house from rodents? In pest control, you have to use a comprehensive set of tools: this applies to both the design features of the house and constant supportive measures. You can use the following methods of struggle:

Correct choice of insulation. Rodents quickly destroy polystyrene foam; in some cases, they can even make nests in basalt wool. An ideal, albeit expensive solution is ecowool: it can completely occupy all the cracks, and rodents will not touch it.

In addition, it becomes a truly effective barrier against cold. However, it is installed using special equipment, and this work cannot be completed without the help of professionals.

  • Arrangement of expanded clay layer for floor insulation. This is one of the effective ways to protect a wooden house from mice. A 10-centimeter layer of expanded clay will protect the subfloor and mice will not chew on the floor beams.
  • Wrapping the plinth and laying metal mesh under the floor. It will protect the building from the penetration of rodents and will become a completely effective barrier for a long time. However, this should not be the only control measure: rats are very smart animals, and sometimes they find a way to get around the obstacle.

Additional protective measures include various impregnation of wood with biocides, laying out poisoned bait, installing mousetraps and other methods. To many they seem inhumane, but we still have to fight mice and rats. The safest method for pests is to install ultrasonic repellers; these devices are harmless to humans, and they effectively scare away rodents from the area.

Using poisoned baits is not always safe: they can harm pets left unattended. To avoid trouble, you need to choose poisons with a very bitter taste: a cat or dog will not eat such bait, and a mouse will not pay any attention to the taste.

Protecting a building from insects

Another problem that threatens a wooden house is insects. Wood-boring beetles, termites, ants - this is just a short list of representatives of the order of insects that are not averse to feasting on wood and natural insulation materials.

How to protect a wooden house from beetles? The most effective method is still the use of chemical antiseptics and other substances:

Threats and difficulties from mouse invasion

The threats from mice to humans are significant and dangerous:

  1. Continuous noise at night;
  2. Damage to cables and wires;
  3. Insulation spoiled to the point of rot;
  4. Specific smell from vital activity;
  5. Risk of contracting diseases carried by rodents.

To understand how dangerous their presence is, just imagine that a female can give birth to 7 mice per litter. She can give birth an average of 10 times a year. It turns out that in a year it increases the number of its relatives by 70 or more individuals. Each of the born female mice is ready for childbearing after 3 months.

Important fact! Mice are very fast rodents. Their movement speed can reach 12 km in just one hour. They jump both far and high.

The length of the jump is 75 cm, the height is about 40.

Protection against rodents during construction

Why at this stage? Yes, because it is much easier to prevent a rodent invasion than to fight them later. And the myths that there are no barriers for mice who want to get into the house are still myths. With a creative and attentive approach to this issue, you can completely ensure that such a misfortune never occurs in your home or bathhouse.

But first, you can carefully study the current building codes, which list grilles, metal screens and other methods of protection. But remember, when installing a metal profile against mice, you must leave a gap so that the insulation does not get wet from condensation.

Method #1 - expanded clay castle

Here we are talking about the so-called “expanded clay castle”, when a layer of expanded clay is laid especially tightly and at least 10 cm thick. Here is a standard floor pie that is protected from mice during the construction of a house:

  • 1st layer: lay expanded clay (fired clay) directly on the ground. The layer should be at least 30 cm thick. Cover with plastic wrap.
  • 2nd layer: lay OSB-3 boards in two layers.
  • 3rd layer: put expanded clay again.
  • 4th layer: cover with oriented strand boards impregnated with synthetic wax and boric acid. These substances are good at repelling rodents.

As you can see, nothing complicated.

Method #2 - fine mesh

The simplest and most effective method of mechanical protection against mice even at the construction stage can be called galvanized mesh. It should be made of durable metal and with small cells. Much smaller than you now imagine. Now we will explain why: the mouse’s skull has the ability to “fold”, like that of a newborn, and therefore this animal will really fit where a pencil fits, as biologists like to say.

So, it is advisable to lay the metal mesh over the subfloor during construction and additionally wrap it around the base if you live in a private house. And how to arrange floors with it, you can take a closer look at our photo instructions:

If possible, cover all corners (floor, wall, and ceiling) with mesh, which is usually used for plastering. Don't miss a single connection.

Sometimes this material is used to protect against mice even after construction, when a problem with rodents becomes obvious. To do this, bury it around the foundation to a depth of 80 cm. If you notice already dug holes, then go even deeper. And place a mesh at least a meter high under the plinth sheathing.

The foundation of the house is also sheathed with a 1.5 mm profiled sheet of structural steel. This is also good additional protection.

Method #3 - leave mice under the floor

If you are satisfied that there will still be a small number of mice under the floor, but will not penetrate into the house itself, then make a cake like this:

  • Step 1. Forget about insulation. A floor without mice is a floor without any cotton wool or polystyrene foam. Just make a shield - a floorboard right along the joists.
  • Step 2. To prevent mice from getting into the gap between the edge of the floor and the outside sheathing, cut 10 cm strips of galvanized steel and nail them on top of the floor.
  • Step 3: Cover these strips at the top with insulation and sheathing.

These are the simple, proven recipes. The main thing is don’t give up!

Cell sizes

Fine mesh fiberglass mesh is not suitable for keeping mice out of your home. The cells of this material cease to allow air to pass through, becoming clogged with dust. Unlike fabric, TsPVS mesh with a cell size of 5 to 6 mm has high mechanical strength. To protect the house from rodents, welded fine mesh with a cell size of 1.5-2 mm is used, which can be used to line the corners of the outside of the building. This material is suitable for arranging a pile-grillage foundation, as well as a plinth. The fabric is purchased with a reserve, taking into account that mice can penetrate the soil to a depth of 60 cm.

A fine rodent mesh must be made of metal with a thickness of more than 1.2 mm, otherwise rats will be able to bite through the material. The mesh size of galvanized welded mesh affects the weight of this material. For example, 1 m2 of mesh with a cell size of 6x6x0.6 mm weighs 0.65 kg.

Frame house protection

In order to prevent rodents from settling in a new building, you should carefully consider how to protect the house from mice during construction. The following techniques can be used as preventive measures against pests:

  1. It is recommended to use ecowool as floor insulation on the first floor. It will protect the house from the appearance of fungus, mold, and various insects. The material is 80% recycled cellulose, and 20% is a mixture of boric acid and borax. The composition is an excellent antiseptic for wood and will protect the mansion from mice and other pests.
  2. Treat building materials with borax or lime solution.
  3. you can use ash, tobacco dust, wormwood or peppermint, the smell of which rodents cannot stand, and also fill the interior partitions with slag.
  4. If the soil characteristics allow, replace the pile or strip foundation with a reinforced concrete slab, which mice will not be able to chew through and will not penetrate into the frame house. The use of monolithic structures will provide reliable protection for your home.
  5. Using a special fine-mesh metal mesh that will protect the building from rodents.

All these techniques will protect the structure from mouse attack.

Application of metal mesh

In addition, during the construction phase or after the construction of the structure, a metal mesh is used to ensure its safety. It has a number of positive properties:

  • ease of use;
  • maximum protection against various rodents;
  • environmental safety;
  • accessibility to consumers;
  • ability to maintain its characteristics over a wide temperature range.

To ensure effective protection, it is necessary to choose the right material. The thickness of the wire from which the mesh is made must be at least 2 mm, and the parameters of the cells no more than 5x5 mm, otherwise mice will gnaw through it or simply crawl into the existing holes.

The mouse net is laid along the subfloor, in this case the insulation is spread directly on it. Or they cover the base of the house with it, since mice can be found under the floor inside the space that is formed as a result of building a house on stilts. The height of the protective coating laid under the plinth casing must be at least a meter. Before insulating and finishing the house, it is advisable to cover all corners of the building with galvanized mesh.

A built frame house can be protected from mice. To do this, you should bury a mesh fence along the foundation to a depth of at least 0.8 m, and if there are rodent holes, then the laying of the protective structure should be deeper than mouse passages.

The effectiveness of this method of protecting a frame house from mice is evidenced by numerous reviews from the owners of such cottages posted on the website.


Screw stilt houses, like other frame structures, require effective protection of the floor, which is the most likely place for mice to enter the house. When arranging it, you should use both metal mesh and other means. Expanded clay will be an effective method of protecting flooring:

  • when laying the subfloor, it is spread onto the ground in a layer of at least 0.3 m;
  • the material is covered with a polyethylene film, on top of which OSB-3 boards are placed in two rows;
  • then the final layer of expanded clay is laid, crowning the structure of the “black” floor, completely protected from mice.

The reliability of such an “expanded clay lock” is enhanced by impregnation of boric acid and synthetic wax, which is applied to the slabs.

Insulation materials

Appropriate insulation can act as protection against mice and rats. Quite often, to insulate a frame house from the inside, owners use cheap thermal insulation material - polystyrene foam. Mice can gnaw it and freely settle in the room. Experts strongly recommend not saving and using an expensive insulation option that effectively protects against rodents - ecowool. Ecological material will not only repel rodents, but will also create an antiseptic environment that prevents the appearance of mold and other negative phenomena. This insulation has good heat and sound insulation characteristics.

Mice in the garage - where do they come from?

It is not difficult to discover that rodents have appeared in a building - they leave droppings, a “mouse” smell appears, and soon spoiled things are discovered. Rodents get inside the car, destroy parts, and chew through wiring.

Find out how the mice got inside:

  • Find all the cracks, cracks, holes in the walls and roof - cement them.
  • Cover the ventilation passages with steel mesh.
  • Remove rags and garbage, and do not store food supplies in the garage.
  • If you find a nest, destroy it.
  • Carry out general cleaning.

Flour all shelves, tables, and floors and leave overnight. In the morning you will be able to see traces of rodents and watch how they move around the building.

Effective ways to fight

In order not to waste time and not wait for the mouse to damage the wiring or do some other mischief, it is better to immediately proceed to active actions. One of the most effective ways to catch rodents today are electric mousetraps, for example:

Electric trap VICTOR

This is a trap that will not misfire. The design is a small “house” with bait inside. The trap is easy to install, just like in a garage. and in the car itself. The trap kills the rodent with an electric shock. As soon as the mouse gets inside, it will immediately die from electrical shock. Advantages - no blood, no need to look for a dead animal, easy to clean.

It runs on batteries, the resource of which will allow the mechanism to operate up to 100 times without replacement. The trap container is designed for 10 individuals.

Cost - from 4500 rubles

Effective poisons will help destroy mice in the garage

If there are too many rodents, and the time for catching them needs to be reduced, use poisonous compounds. An important nuance is that you should use mummifying compounds to poison mice in the garage and car. This is due to the fact that a dead animal can climb into any part of the car, and if the corpse decomposes, you will not be able to detect it.

Mummifying drugs will destroy the rodent, but will not allow the corpse to decompose, there will be no unpleasant odor and the risk of the appearance of pathogenic bacteria. This is especially true when there are mice under the hood of the car. According to users, the most effective poisons are:

Set “Down with Uninvited Guests”

Destroys all types of rodents, acts quickly. Thanks to the combined composition and the addition of aromatic components (cheese, ham, etc.), mice quickly find it. Feature - the set contains 5 bags of poison and each contains a targeted insecticide: Rodialon, Rattidion-extra, Bromine-paste, Rodent-extra, Brodirate.

  • Manufacturer: Valbrenta Chemicals
  • packaging - a cardboard box that can be used as a bait station.
  • The cost of packaging 935 g is from 400 rubles

Read our rating of the best poisons for mice and order the product

"Goliath" from mice and rats

A German drug that contains powerful insecticides. The peculiarity is that mice and rats cannot get used to the poison, death does not occur immediately, which does not cause suspicion among other individuals who continue to absorb the strong poison (their bodies become mummified). The insecticide causes oxygen starvation in the body, so the mouse tends to get outside, where it will die.

When there are mice in the garage, you need to properly treat the room. Place the poison in all corners, if you are not using the car, inside it. Treat the surface along the walls, spread it on all horizontal surfaces; if there are cracks and holes, the poison should be present there too. When corpses are discovered, they must be collected and burned or buried.

Using metal mesh

A common and very reliable method for protecting a frame house from rodents is the use of fine-mesh metal mesh. During the construction of a house, galvanized metal mesh is laid on the subfloor before finishing the flooring. To protect against rodents entering the house, you can also wrap a galvanized metal mesh around the base of the building; the height of the mesh should be 1 m or more. It would also be a good idea to protect the corners of the building with the same fine-mesh mesh before insulation work or during exterior finishing.

Mechanical methods of protection

If a panel-frame house has been built a long time ago, and rodents live in it along with the residents, then the work of removing the floor and finishing the walls in order to introduce a metal mesh under them will be very long and financially expensive. If there is neither time nor resources to carry out such work, they resort to more traditional methods of fighting small rodents.

Almost everyone has encountered mousetraps, traps or glue traps at least once in their life. It is these tools that should be resorted to in such a case. Of course, even after complete elimination of rodents (which is very difficult to achieve), some repair and construction work in the room will still have to be carried out. It will still be necessary to get rid of cracks and other possible entry points for rodents by sealing all gaps with cement mortar.

If a colony of mice or rats is large enough and prolific, then the fight against them with the help of mousetraps and traps can continue forever

This will require toxic chemicals that must be handled with care. Among the negative aspects of the use of pesticides, it should be noted that if poisons are not used carefully enough, they often poison domestic animals (if any), and also that a rodent can die in an inaccessible place, and its corpse will decompose there for a long time

As you can see, rodent control can take a very long time. Moreover, there is no certainty that you will win this fight, no. In order to completely eliminate rodents, you need to turn to professionals. Only experts know:

  • how to properly use toxic chemicals;
  • where to look for and destroy the main concentrations of rodents;
  • which method is best suited in your case.

Our company’s employees have extensive experience in carrying out such work and guarantee effective results.

Preventive measures

Therefore, adhere to simple rules:

  • They constantly carry out general cleaning, during which they find and throw away all found garbage that is not of household or other interest;
  • do not leave scraps on the table, under the table, but promptly put them in a trash can with a lid;
  • do not clutter the house and apartment with unnecessary things;
  • all products are kept out of reach in tightly sealed containers;
  • They periodically inspect the residential area, seal up any mouse holes found, having previously prepared an unpleasant surprise for the rodent using poison or a mousetrap.

Fighting mice is not an easy task, but you can cope with the task. The main thing is to approach the issue with ingenuity and knowledge of the matter.

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