From sprout to basket: how a master grows and uses a vine

The genus willow belongs to the Willow family. Distributed in North Asia, the Caucasus, and Europe. In Russia, Willows are widespread in the central part. The genus Willow has about 550 species.

Depending on the species, willow grows from 10 to 30 meters in height. The trunk can reach 1 meter in diameter. The average diameter of a willow trunk is about 50-60 cm. The bark of the tree trunk is dark gray in color. As a rule, vertical cracks are located along the bark of the trunk.

Willow grows in mixed forests, along the banks of rivers and lakes. Willow can grow in almost any soil. But loam, loose and moderately moist, suits it best.


Willow is a soft deciduous tree.

Willow (weeping, white, black willow, red willow, willow, willow) - all trees from the willow family.

Willow is widely used in economic activities. The wood of this tree is not much inferior to linden; it is light, soft, viscous, and elastic. Willow is used in the manufacture of various equipment, tennis rackets, prosthetics; it is the best material for arches, hoops and much more. The trunks of large trees are used to build houses and saw boards. Beehives, furniture, and various household utensils are made from boards. Willow vine is used almost everywhere for weaving. Baskets and fishing nets are woven from uncleaned twig. Furniture and various stands are made from white rod. Willow bark is used in tanneries to tan leather; a dye obtained from the bark is used in dyeing wool, silk and leather brown and black. Bast is used to make fiber for making ropes. Willow is an excellent honey plant, so it is highly valued in beekeeping.

In modern conditions, when great attention is paid to environmental protection, the value of willow increases even more. Its good survival rate on various soils, smoke and gas resistance, and the ability to cleanse the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and enrich it with oxygen make willow indispensable in landscaping.

How is willow useful in a person’s life?

It may seem implausible, but more than 100 species of willows ! Of course, only specialists can distinguish one species from another.

It is known that in Rus' the willow was a symbol of beauty and some sadness in oral legends.

But in North America, among the indigenous inhabitants of this continent, the willow was considered a symbol of peace, hospitality and strong friendship. It is interesting that crushed willow bark was often added to the smoking mixtures used in the peace pipe. As a sign of special respect and importance of the process.

Smoking mixtures are probably good and symbolic, someone might think, but what else is the benefit of willow?

For example, willow grows extremely well in many places. It seems that its appearance is not always the topic, but... Imagine that you always have at hand, thanks to the high productivity of willow, building material and firewood. Convenient, right?

Willow, of course, is not an oak or a pine, but in the steppe regions of our country, where forests have always been a bit tight, willow was often used to build barns, bathhouses and residential buildings.

Weeping willow Photo: Depositphotos

Well, in small (compared to a barn) items, willow wood is always very good. They made snow shovels, troughs, beehives, some dishes, and some cooperage items from willow.

As mentioned above, willow is very prolific. In the old days, this property was noticed and appreciated. From willow twigs, strong and flexible, people learned to make various useful items. Most often, all sorts of baskets and baskets come to mind.

It is interesting that craftsmen prepared branches of this useful tree for future use, for the winter. And they did it in the so-called topless way. A part of the tree was cut off from a large willow tree, which was usually suitable for serious work - making a shed, furniture, interior parts, and so on. Thin branches were left in the winter for crafts.

And literally the next year, the cut part was abundantly overgrown with strong young branches, which, in fact, were intensively used for weaving. It is noteworthy that in addition to baskets, willow twigs are suitable for making wicker furniture, tennis rackets, parts for hoops and sieves.

White willow. Botanical illustration from the book by O. V. Thome Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, 1885. Photo:

Why are there rods? They even made all sorts of ropes, harnesses for horses, shoes and small rugs from willow bark.

One of the remarkable properties of willow is the ability to use its bark for tanning (dressing) leather. In the old days, people did this, especially in those regions where there was a lot of willow growing and little or no oak.

It is characteristic that with the help of willow bark they obtained a special and rather expensive type of leather - yuft. In historical books you can find mention of yuft leather and objects made from it.

Yuft leather was made quite simply (at first glance): the tanner took two skins, sewed them together, and poured fine willow bark inside. After some time, the leather turned red-brown and was also tanned. Well, there was no oak here, which means it was more likely that the leather was “oozing”, something like that.

Willow bark was used to dye wool, usually producing two shades: brown and black. In addition, later they learned how to obtain stain from willow bark. Here, in addition to the bark, salt and vinegar were also required.

Once upon a time, an infusion of willow bark was often used for colds.

Years passed, and scientists learned to extract aspirin, which is so necessary for people, from willow bark.

Photo: Depositphotos

This is how it turns out that willow is a seemingly simple tree, but with rather complex advantages...

Tags: willow, wood, useful trees, willow twig


Published: March 12, 2015
Linden wood is a soft hardwood. Linden is the best material for carving a wide variety of products. It is widespread almost everywhere - in the Far East, where more than half of the linden stock is located, as well as in the European and Asian parts of our country. Linden wood is soft, light, little susceptible to cracking, warping, does not dry out, is white, clean and uniform; […]

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Meaning and Application

For a long time, willow has been of great importance in human life, and it is used in a variety of areas of life. In ancient times, this plant was a symbol of longevity and health. However, a small part of the peoples considered the willow to be a symbol of tears and sorrow.

Application of willow:

  1. In alternative medicine. The plant is used to make tea, which is used for headaches, fever and rheumatism. This drink is also considered useful for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. The twigs of this tree are used to create wicker patterns, baskets and other decorative items.
  3. Wood can be used as fuel or building material.
  4. Willows help strengthen river banks, protect slopes from landslides, and so on.
  5. Some gardeners believe that if this tree is planted in depleted soil, then after some time crops that are more demanding on the soil composition will grow well next to it.


Published: March 12, 2015
Willow is a soft hardwood tree. Willow (weeping, white, black willow, red willow, willow, willow) - all trees from the willow family. Willow is widely used in economic activities. The wood of this tree is not much inferior to linden; it is light, soft, viscous, and elastic. Willow is used in the manufacture of various equipment, tennis rackets, prosthetics; it is the best material for arches, hoops and much more […]

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How to choose willow for your site

A huge selection of willow varieties helps us choose exactly the one that will best fit into our landscape and adapt to grow in the conditions of a given area. For variety, you can also plant Russian birch next to the willow.

It is better to focus on the location of the site itself and what conditions there are. It is better, of course, to plant a willow tree in an area where there are no other plantings and there is room for a new plant. Tall species are best planted within city parks and squares.

Tall trees are characterized by fast growth and smoke resistance, which is perfect for planting within residential areas. Willow is a very moisture-loving plant whose life is impossible without thoroughly moistened soil; it does not like drought. It settles well on the banks of water sources, and grows just as well in moist soil.

If you plant it on a free summer cottage, then after a while there will be no free space left at all. To do this, the tree must be constantly monitored: young shoots must be cut down.

A medium-height willow is often planted on a site, giving it a central role. After the tapeworm, lower plants surround it.

A hedge is a great option to use the plant. Among the varieties there are those that are suitable for placement in small areas and do not have to be allocated a lot of space for them. On a country pond or artificial reservoir on the site, a low-growing willow will look great - a kind of river landscape.

Willow planting

There will be no difficulties in growing and caring for your summer cottage if you follow all the rules of care. The only difficulty is the difference between widows in order to select optimal conditions for each and correctly reproduce it. Therefore, all a gardener needs is to know what species grows in his garden and find care information.


Published: March 12, 2015
Aspen is a soft hardwood. Aspen is a tree from the willow family, usually growing in forest and forest-steppe zones. It has a number of remarkable qualities: frost, moisture and acid resistance. Aspen wood is distinguished by its softness, uniform texture, whiteness and purity, and is less susceptible to wormholes than others. One of its important properties is light resistance. It does not turn yellow for a long time if it is in [...]

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Tree care

Types of tree care

WateringIn summer and during hot weather, willow requires abundant watering. If the species is dwarf, then it is recommended to spray the crown itself during hot weather. Weeping willow must be watered daily in summer. In winter, you can limit yourself to one watering per week.
Top dressingYou need to feed the plant only at first and immediately after planting it in the ground (and even then, it is not necessary to do this). In good soil, willow will grow without additional fertilizers.
TrimmingNot all willows can be pruned due to their growth. But, if you still decide to prune the willow, then this must be done in the spring. Timely pruning not only improves the appearance, but also has a positive effect on the health of the tree.

A haircut

This applies only to decorative low-growing willows. Trimming gives these trees a special flavor.

Trimming gives these trees a special flavor.


Published: March 12, 2015
Poplar is a soft hardwood. Poplar is also from the willow family and has many varieties. The trees grow quickly and reach ripeness and large size in 30-40 years. Within our country, the following are common: black (sedge), white (silver, pyramidal (Italian) and Canadian poplar. Poplar wood is soft, light, uniform in structure, with a faint texture pattern, almost does not crack when dried, […]

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Variety of species

All willows can be divided into large ones - for large areas and for small gardens, as well as low shrubby types.

Large size - willows for parks and large gardens

Golden willow "Chrysocoma" (Salix x sepulcralis 'Chrysocoma')

This tree has a wide, dense and regular crown. The branches are long, slender and drooping. It is not an independent species and is a hybrid of the Babylonian willow and our native white willow (Vitellina variety) from China. Golden-haired willow is a large, impressive tree with a spreading crown and yellow-barked shoots hanging down to the ground.

White or silver willow (Salix alba) and brittle willow (Salix fragilis)

They can be found along roadsides, ditches, and in meadows. They are usually large and look very picturesque. This is a beautiful, magnificent tree with a wide crown.

Brittle willow is a medium-sized tree, reaching a height of up to 20 meters, with an exceptionally wide, dome-shaped crown and a short trunk growing up to a meter in diameter. It has dark brown bark and fairly thick branches. The leaves are thin, lanceolate and grow up to 16 cm in length. Their upper parts are shiny and dark green, while their undersides are blue-green. A characteristic feature of this willow is its soft and brittle wood. Hence the name. In spring, the tree is covered with yellow-green flowers.


Published: March 12, 2015
Alder is a soft hardwood. Alder is a tree from the birch family that grows in most of the European territory of our country and Western Siberia on highly moist soils. Presented in three varieties: black, white and Siberian alder. Alder is a sapwood species and often has a false core. The color when freshly cut is white, but when exposed to air it turns red and turns yellowish-red. Tree rings are barely noticeable. […]

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Use in landscape design

Everyone knows that willow vine has found its use as an excellent material for weaving. However, various types of this plant are successfully used to create various landscape compositions. For example, they are traditionally planted near ponds in many garden and park areas.

Willows, planted at intervals of no more than 2 meters, turn into an aesthetic hedge. If they are placed in two rows, you will get a magnificent shady alley. One of the best options in this case would be weeping white ones with closed crowns.

To achieve a similar effect, 2-3 years after planting, at a height of about 3 meters, branches directed towards each other are connected using the method of ablation, which does not involve violating the integrity of the shoots.

However, it is worth considering that such grafting requires certain knowledge and experience. Based on this, they often simply intertwine the branches, securing them with plastic film (tape). As a result, a living, openwork tunnel is formed. If there is no space for such an alley, an arch created in a similar way will decorate any area.

The most spectacular hedges are made from willow bushes. An excellent material would be, for example, crimped, purple or Caspian varieties. Such an approach to landscape design will allow you to separate, decorate and partially shade the desired area. At the same time, the bushes look impressive simply planted along paths or in a group with other plants. Near a small stream or fountain in a rock garden it would be more than successful to place dwarf willows.


Published: March 12, 2015
Spruce is a soft coniferous species. Spruce is the most common coniferous species in the European and Asian parts of our country. Two types of spruce are of great economic importance - European (ordinary) and Siberian. Spruce, growing in the northern regions of the country, produces the best wood in terms of physical and mechanical properties. The main difference between spruce is the whorled arrangement of branches. The species is coreless, mature wood, has resin passages, but [...]

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Willow bark tincture for tachycardia and decoction

We take 100-150 gr. Fill fresh or dry male willow catkins with a bottle (500 ml) of vodka, put it in a dark place for 21-30 days, then strain everything and use the tincture 35 drops 3 times a day for 10-15 days. After a month you can repeat the course.

Willow decoction for the treatment of arrhythmia and tachycardia is prepared according to the following recipe:


  • take two glasses of water
  • one teaspoon of crushed willow bark
  • cooking process - twenty minutes
  • then let it sit for four hours

Dosage: half a glass four times a day


Published: March 12, 2015
Pine is a soft coniferous species. Pine occupies 1/6 of the forest area of ​​our country and is the most common coniferous species. It grows almost everywhere, with the exception of the regions of Central Asia. In the north of the European part of our country, it is distinguished by thin-layered dense wood and relatively narrow sapwood. It has few branches, a small slope (smooth trunk), and is resinous. Such […]

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Contraindications to the use of white willow

For bradycardia, preparations from willow flowers should not be used. Willow-based medicines should not be used by children under 16 years of age with flu or cold symptoms. The ban is due to the fact that due to taking willow preparations that contain salicylates, a child may develop Reye's syndrome, a disease that can lead to the death of the child. Ulcer sufferers should also not use willow products.




Published: March 12, 2015
Fir is a soft coniferous species. Fir is a tree of the pine family, widespread in the northeast of the European part of our country in the taiga zone of Siberia, and is also found in some other regions of the country. There are several varieties of fir: Siberian, Caucasian, whitebark and Manchurian. Fir is the lightest and softest of the conifers. Fir wood without resin ducts, which makes it possible to make […]

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Interesting Facts

Particular attention should be paid to the medicinal properties of the described plants. So, for example, since ancient times, tree bark has been used as a fairly effective anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. Another important point is that the active component of aspirin, salicylic acid, takes its name from the Latin “Salix”, which means “willow”.

Among other things, this plant is an excellent honey plant. Its fluffy flowers are rich in nectar.

Do not forget that the weeping willow is so called because of its ability to cry. This is how the tree gets rid of excess moisture.

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